Chapter 7

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I woke up from the loud sound my ringing phone made. I looked around and noticed it was sunny outside. Wait, why am I outside?

"Yeah?" I answered sitting up.

"Tom, where the fuck are you?" I heard Bill's voice say over the phone.

"Um, outside" I said wondering that myself.

"What the hell do you mean? Why didn't you come home last night?" He asked.

"I... don't know" I answered.

"Tom I'm sick of this, it's the third time this week. Send me your location I'm coming to get you" Bill said hanging up the phone.
I charged my location and then putted my phone back in my pocket.

My head hurts like hell. I checked my pockets only to find that most of my stuff is missing.
"Shit" I sighed.

I walked over to a bench and sat down. I know how disappointed my brother is right now. This shouldn't be this way.


After some time, a car stopped in front of me. "Get in" Bill said opening the door.

I stood up and calmly walked over to the passenger seat.

"Do you even remember how you ended up here? I had to drive for two hours" Bill said resting his elbow against the window.

"I was at the club and then I met this girl, and she wanted to go back to her place" I sighed.

"Yeah? Does she live on the streets or?" Bill said being sarcastic cuz the area we were in was pretty much empty.

"No, but I might have been robbed" I said looking out the window.

"What did she take?" Bill asked with an annoyed look.

"My watch, and my wallet.. and the rest of the drugs I had" I said.

"Good" Bill nodded.

"That I've got robbed?" I asked with a confused face.

"No, that she took your drugs. Tom I told you to stop, it's getting out of hand" Bill said looking serious at me.

"I know, I know" I said rubbing my face between my hands.

"But are you planing on getting your stuff back, do you remember her name... or number?" Bill asked.

"No, either way she probably lied about it anyways. But we can go back to the club today. Maybe i didn't even get robbed and left my stuff there" I suggested.

"Why would you leave your watch there" Bill laughed a little.

"I don't know, Bill. But it doesn't really matter I can buy a new one. I just want to get my wallet back.. my cards and everything is in there" I said. "You have water in here? I'm mad thirsty" I added.

"No, but we can stop at the shop on our way. What did you take last night?" Bill asked.

"I remember getting drunk, but I don't remember the rest of it" I said going on my phone.

"How responsible" Bill sighed.

All Stars Burn Up (with Tom Kaulitz) -by Starsky_001Where stories live. Discover now