Chapter 13

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Me and Bill were on our way back after practicing for almost 4 hours. I couldn't help but look up Angel's location on my phone.
She was still at her apartment. Something doesn't feel right.

"What is it?" Bill asked looking quickly at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"You're looking at your phone like something is wrong" Bill said turning the steering wheel to the left.

"Um.. Angelina's location still says that's she's at her apartment" I sighed.

"Tom she probably took off that necklace" Bill said.

"Maybe, but I have a weird feeling about this" I stated.

"You do?" Bill smiled.

"Yes" I said turning off my phone and putting it in my pocket.

"Well it's good that you care about her safety. I do too" Bill said.

"How long is it until the race?" I asked.

"About 6 says" Bill answered.

"M-kay" I mumbled.

"I don't want you stressing about it though. We can take a quick trip to Sweden if that'll make you feel better. We can check on Angelina and make sure she is fine" Bill said after a long pause.

"I thought about it actually. But I wanted to ask Lucas if he would find out where she is-" I started.

"Lucas isn't available now. He's on *vacation*" Bill cut me off.

"Oh. Then yes, that would really help" I smiled.

"Alright. We can take the first flight in the morning but we will have to come back immediately after checking on Angelina, because I feel like we should practice more" Bill said.

"Yeah, yeah it's fine" I said getting lost in my thoughts of how it'll be to finally see Angelina in real life after so long.


I packed my stuff and was ready for tomorrows flight. It's late now, I should probably go to bed.

Then suddenly I got a call. "Yes?" I said picking my phone up.

"Hey, you busy?" I heard Leah's voice say.

"Yeah" I said and hang up the phone after.

I wonder if Angelina has seen anyone since the last time I saw her. She probably has. Somehow I feel a little jealous. Though who am I trying to fool, of course I feel jealous. I think about her every day. It's crazy how so short amount of time being with Angelina made me so obsessed with her. Is seeing her really a good thing?

All Stars Burn Up (with Tom Kaulitz) -by Starsky_001Where stories live. Discover now