Day one

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"Doctor grey your with Montgomery Shepard today" Bailey ordered shoving an Intern toward me "Hello, I'm doctor Montgomery-Shepard And you are?" I asked shaking her hand "Meredith Grey, Surgical intern" She smiled "ah the famous Meredith Grey Ellis's Daughter" I smiled a little sarcastically. "Oh great you've met my mother" She sighed rolling her eyes "What happened to her anyway? she left suddenly" I asked as we walked down the hallway "She's uh She's got Alzheimer's" She Whispered "Oh I'm sorry I Shouldn't of asked its none of my business" I mumbled "No its okay" She smiled.

We went into A patients room and I prepped her for the birth, "Grey get behind her she needs to push, now grey!" I yelled Meredith Climbed behind the woman on the bed and Held her as she pushed "Alright good good, its a girl" I smiled As I cut the umbilical cord and Handed the Baby to The mother. Me and Meredith Cleaned everything up and Left the room for lunch, I sat at a table to eat and Meredith sat with all the other Interns. 

Derek sat next to me "Hey" He smiled Kissing me softly "Hi" I mumbled my eyes locked on my laptop screen "What you looking at?" He asked Trying to look at my screen "Just uh, its a surprise" I Said pushing him away from the screen "Mhm I do like surprises" He smiled. "Okay its not a surprise I guess" I mumbled opening my bag I pulled out some papers and handed it to him "I've already signed them" I muttered He looked at the papers than back at me "Divorce papers?" he mumbled "Derek I don't even know why we tried to do this and now I'm working with your ex mistress and she has no idea who I am" I almost yelled "Addie" He started "Don't Addie me just sign the damn papers" I yelled getting up slamming my laptop shut and running off. 

I shut myself in a janitors closet and sat on the floor in the corner of the room "Don't cry Addie come on do-" I Whispered to myself getting interrupted by a sob I pulled my legs to my chest and Looked at the roof I sighed and cried more "fuck life" I sobbed. the door opened and I freaked out As I realised Meredith grey was standing in front of me "G-go away" I sniffled Covering my face the door shut and She shuffled around she sat on the floor next to me also crying She leaned her head on my shoulder "What's wrong with you?" She asked "I'm getting Divorced my 10 year marriage is over, what about you?" I cried "Derek's Mar- ohmygod" Meredith mumbled as she realised Derek was married to me "Your Married to Derek" She Whispered "Yeah I guess, I cheated on him a year ago he ran here and I came to try get him back but it was a mistake I already signed the papers and gave them to him" I sighed Looking at her She nodded "Why didn't I realise I'm so stupid" Meredith cried Starting to hit herself.

"Hey, Stop it your not stupid" I said Moving in front of her and grabbing her wrists to stop her She let out a sob And I held her arms tighter "Relax" I Whispered She stopped fighting me and Relaxed "Deep Breaths" I smiled She followed my instructions "Good" I nodded "T-thank you" She Whispered "Your welcome" I smiled I let go of her and sat in front of her "I'm sorry" I Whispered after a few minutes in silence "I'm Sorry too" Meredith said softly. I held my hand out and Meredith put her hand in mine I closed my hand around hers and rubbed it with my thumb We sat there for a few more minutes in Silence Eventually Meredith laid down putting her head in my lap still holding my hand I put my other hand on the side of her head and played with her hair.

"Friends?" I asked Looking down at her "Yeah" She smiled "Weird question but do you want to move in with me? I've got 3 empty rooms Izzie is taking one George another but I have nobody for the other one" She asked "Yeah Why not My hotel is getting kind of lonely" I smiled. She held her phone up and I put my number in it for her "Do you have a car?" She asked "No I walked here" I said softly "I can drive you to the hotel to get your stuff then you can come home with me?" She offered "Sure" I smiled she sat up "We should uh, Get back to work Ill see you later Doctor Montgomery Shepard" She smiled standing up and going to the door "Call me Addison, Since where roommates and all" I smiled. She nodded "Call me Meredith, Meet at the front at 5 bye Addison" She Smiled before leaving and shutting the door behind her. 

Okay then I live with my husbands ex Mistress, totally normal.

Meredith took me into her house One of my suitcases in her hands the other in mine, She gave me a tour and ended with what would be room "Its next to mine" She smiled As she put my bag down "Thanks" I smiled "Goodnight Addison" She smiled, We had dinner at the hotel. "Goodnight" I smiled She left and I shut the door I flopped down on the bed that was against the wall and Looked around "Home, I have a home" I smiled I got up and Went into Meredith's Room "Hey what's up?" She asked I didn't reply I just hugged her tightly "Thank you" I Whispered. "For what" She giggled "Everything" I Smiled She hugged me tighter "You okay?" She asked after five minutes of me just hugging her "I will be" I Whispered "Good" She smiled I let go of her and went back to my room.

I sat down on the bed and Looked around, I re arranged the entire room multiple times until it was the way I liked the most. The next morning I had the day off but as the other three where interns they had to go in I went shopping and bought a bunch of stuff. I decorated the whole room to make it feel more like home.

 I decorated the whole room to make it feel more like home

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I looked around at the room and Smiled I sat on my chair and did some work on my laptop Before the front door opened and two pairs of footsteps came upstairs neither Meredith's, I could tell by who's room they went too. I got up and went downstairs and she was in the kitchen  "Hey, How was work?" I asked As I got myself a glass of water "Mhm Okay, I dumped Derek" She said putting her Drink bottle on the counter "Sorry" I said gently Putting my hand on her shoulder "Thanks" She smiled.

I Brought Meredith upstairs and showed her my room "Wow it really looks like you" She said Making me laugh "Looks like me?" I asked "Yeah Like your style" She Smiled. I Sat on my bed and She sat next to me I gently Patted my knee with my hand And she laid down resting her head on my lap "I like it" She Smiled "Thank you" I said softly. I Was running my fingers through her hair and playing with it when Izzie came in Izzie Laid on my bed behind me and Meredith a few seconds later George came in too laying next to Izzie "This happens by the way, when our days are shit we just lay together in the person who had a better days room" Meredith Giggled As I looked at the other two Laying on my bed "Plus Addison's bed is the only one big enough to fit us all since she bought a queen sized bed" George Added onto what Meredith said. I stayed sitting up so Meredith could stay on my lap "lay down, it helps just laying here" She smiled Sitting up I laid down and She laid in between me and George Still slightly cuddled into me.

I still played with her hair as we laid there "It really dose help" I Smiled "Told you" She whispered "Why so quite?" I asked "There asleep" She giggled I looked at Izzie and George and they where infact asleep. I Pulled Meredith closer to me wrapping my arms around her "I'm sorry about Derek" I whispered "its okay" She Whispered back We both also fell asleep and the 4 of us spent the rest of the night asleep in my bed.

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