fight or flight

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"YOU DONT GET TO JUST FUCKING HIDE THAT AND EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU!" Meredith yelled "I DIDNT MEAN TO!" I yelled back "GET OUT" She yelled "FINE" I yelled back I left her house slamming the front door behind me, I walked and walked till I got to the Hospital I went into Richards office and Laid on his couch. I cried and cried until I fell asleep

The next morning I woke up My face tear stained, I Looked around and Richard was at his desk "Good Morning, You okay?" he asked As I started crying again "No, me and Meredith had an argument and she kicked me out" I sniffled "Aw Addie Shh" He said sitting next to me on the couch and hugging me. "G-get mark" I mumbled, Mark came in a few minutes later and pulled me into a hug "Who did this who made you cry?" He asked "M-me and Meredith Are dating, We had an argument and she kicked me out" I cried Hugging him tighter "Oh red, its okay" he said rubbing my back. I shook my head "I-I Love her Mark" I sobbed "Addison Fights are just part of relationships, what's it about anyway" He said softly Sitting down Me still cuddled into him.

"I-I-I S-she knew I was hiding something and when I finally told her she got mad" I sniffled "What are you hiding?" He asked "I'm pregnant mark, your child I-I I was about to go to an appointment for an abortion When she saw it in my calendar" I cried "Oh Addison I'm so sorry" He whispered "I-I'm sorry too Mark I just cant keep it I cant have a baby right now and not yours" I sniffled "Its okay Red, I understand. Dose she know who's or how far?" He asked "N-no she thinks I cheated on her I didn't I found out a month ago but I'm around two, we have only been dating one and a half" I cried.

"Shh, Addison Go talk to her" He said Standing up I nodded, I ran out and Saw Meredith Walking into the lobby I ran over "Meredith Please talk to me let me explain!" I cried "you have thirty seconds" She said coldly.  "its marks, I'm two months and I would of gotten abortion today. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Its stressing me out and I had To cancel the Abortion I'm having a miscarriage I started bleeding yesterday" I said talking as fast as I could still crying. "I-I I cant do this right now Addison" She Whispered starting to also cry I nodded and she turned around and went to her car. 

I let out a sob and Just let my body flop, Mark caught me before I hit the floor "Red Breathe" he said holding me still as I cried. "I Love her" I gasped trying to breathe "I know Addison Shh" Mark Whispered Before I knew it everything went black.

"Addison!?" Mark yelled Picking me up "Someone Help!" He yelled Someone rushed a stretcher over and mark set me on it "Addison Please" He whispered.  I had lost so much blood from the miscarriage it had made me pass out. I opened my eyes to Mark Looking down at me "Oh thank god" He sighed as he saw me waking up "W-what happened" I asked "You passed out, You lost so much  blood from the miscarriage Red"  He said sitting on the hospital bed next to me and Hugging me. "C-call Mer" I Whispered "Okay, I cant tell you she'll actually come back though" He said getting up I nodded.

He paged her and she ran in Before realising it was me "ohmygod" She Mumbled "She's okay, She lost a lot of blood though from the miscarriage she passed out she was out two hours" Mark said Softly Meredith nodded. She slowly opened the door and came in shutting it behind her I Was sleeping so I didn't notice her, "I'm So Sorry Adds I shouldn't have yelled at you I'm so sorry Darling" She Whispered Sitting on the bed next to me and Putting her arm around me She kissed my forehead and I slowly woke up "Mer" I smiled As I noticed it was her next to me now. "I'm So so sorry Darling" She said While gently Moving my hair off my face "Its okay" I said softly. "Its not Adds I yelled at you because of my personal problems I'm sorry" She Whispered Kissing me softly.

"I Love you" I whispered as she laid her head on my shoulder, She instantly sat back up and Looked at me "what" She Whispered "I Love you Mer" I smiled Saying it louder this time "I Love you too Adds I love you so fucking much" She Said Kissing me softly. We laid there cuddling for a while before mark came back in "Addison you have to stay until this time tomorrow, Just for observation" He smiled "Okay, Thank you" I nodded. He left again and Meredith called Izzie to bring some of our stuff.

She dropped of a bag of me & Meredith's things and we both got changed into something more comfterble, "I love you" Meredith whispered Kissing my forehead "I love you too" I smiled Snuggling into her. 

The next Morning I woke up to Meredith packing all our stuff "Ready? Mark cleared you and I signed the release papers" She smiled coming over to me and Kissing my forehead "Mhm" I smiled "MhMh" I Hummed rubbing my stomach "You okay?" She asked "Yeah, It happens when you have a miscarriage even with the surgery it'll still happen" I said softly. "I Feel so bad Adds" She Whispered Sitting on the bed "Meredith none of this is your fault" I Said pulling her into a hug "Would you have kept it" She asked "No, But you have to understand Ill still be upset about it" I said Softly Kissing her, She nodded "Ill be here to help" She smiled.

"Ready to go home?" She asked As I walked over to her I looked around "Yeah" I smiled, She grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. We drove home and Meredith Helped me upstairs She took me into my room and I got in bed She clicked something on the side of my bed "I made Izzie buy you an electric blanket" She smiled "Thank you" I smiled.

"ahh" I groaned Curling up into a ball Meredith Laid next to me and Wrapped her arms around me from behind "Deep breathes" She Whispered Rubbing my stomach with her hands, I took a deep breath and put my hands on top of Meredith's "You know, That could be our baby in you someday" She Whispered "Yeah" I said starting to smile "Your pretty when you smile, your pretty always but that's not the point" She giggled Kissing my head. "I know I am" I smirked "Oh shut up" She Laughed Hugging me tighter. "I Love you" She Whispered Rolling me over and Kissing me gently "Mhm, I love you too" I smiled As she kissed me. She laid her head on my chest and cuddled into me "How do you feel?" She asked "Like I want to never let go of you again" I whispered "Adds you wont have to Ill always be right by your side" She smiled Looking up at me "Good" I smiled. 

I fell asleep and Meredith was still awake Looking up at me "Marry me" She whispered thinking I couldn't hear her, "Yes" I Whispered Opening my eyes "What" She said Looking back up at me "I heard you, Yes" I Whispered Smiling "So, We are getting Married?" She asked "Yeah" I smiled I kissed her softly and she sat up "You feel okay enough?" She asked pulling her own shirt off "Mhm I think so" I grinned.

"Goodnight" I whispered kissing Meredith's forehead both of us completely naked and cuddling "Nighty night" She Smiled.

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