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I went to kiss her and Landed with a thud on the floor as I woke up and fell off the couch "Fucking hell" I groaned Meredith wasn't there and I was dreaming Why was I dreaming I kissed her why do I want to kiss her.

"Addison?" Meredith asked running down the stairs and Stopping in front of me "Yeah" I Mumbled rubbing my head as I sat up "You good?" She laughed "Your stupid couch tried to kill me" I Groaned standing up Making her laugh more, "You sure it was the couch?" She asked "Yes" I mumbled Walking to the kitchen "mhm sure" She giggled. "Shut up" I Yawned "Someone's tired" She mocked I turned and stared at her "Sorry Jesus" She said putting her hands up mockingly. I flipped her off and Turned around to make coffee I Drank my coffee and turned back to her "Sorry, Good morning" I smiled "Coffee really fixes you in five seconds?" She laughed "Mhm I'm a bitch without coffee" I Smiled putting my mug in the dishwasher "I can tell" She grinned I hit her arm lightly and she laughed more "Stop laughing" I Said starting to grin I ran at her and Tickled her "ah," She laughed As I tickled her.

"S-stop" She cackled I eventually stopped tickling her and she Looked up at me, I was Kneeling over her pinning her to the floor and tickling her. We laid there Looking each other in the eyes Before she put her hands on my face and went to Kiss me The front door opened making her let go of me, I rolled off her and laid on the floor next to her.

Izzie and George walked in and Went to their rooms after saying Hi, She looked at me "I'm uh, Sorry I should of um" she mumbled "Its okay" I smiled Sitting up "Okay" She smiled nodding gently. I stood up and Grabbed her hand I took her upstairs and into her room I shut the door and she laid on her bed I sat back on top of her "Kiss me" I Whispered Leaning down to her face "Deal" She grinned Grabbing my face and Kissing me "I've wanted to do that for so long" She Giggled As she let go of my face "Same here" I Grinned. I kissed her again and again all over her face ending with her nose.

"I love kissing you already" I smiled "I Love kissing you too" she giggled.

The door opened and Izzie walked in to Me sitting on Meredith's lap kissing her neck I fell off her landing on the floor and We both looked at her Meredith Wiping her neck "Oh relax I knew you two would realise you liked each other eventually it was bloody obvious" Izzie laughed. "it was?" Meredith asked "Yes Your both oblivious" She said "Anyways continue" She winked leaving the room and shutting the door I looked at Meredith then the door and we both giggled. I got up Locked the door and Laid down Meredith Laid on top of me and I kissed her softly. 

We laid there smiling at each other my arms around her, We cuddled and Talked for a while. Izzie knocked on the door "Maccas is here" she called "Coming" Meredith Replied.

I Kissed Meredith's face then her neck "I'm hungry" She whined trying to get up "One more kiss" I smiled She kissed me again and We got up We went downstairs and ate with the others Christina and Alex where also here for movie night. We watched movie after movie and eventually everyone was asleep by 4am Except me, I looked over at Meredith Asleep next to me "Goodnight Baby girl" I whispered Kissing her forehead. Her eyes opened and she smiled up at me "Hi" She whispered I smiled and Kissed her gently "Hi" I whispered Pulling her into me "Goodnight" I smiled Hugging her tightly "night Adds" She smiled Kissing me softly. we fell asleep our arms around each other cuddled together. 

I woke up To Meredith wiggling her way out my arms I opened my eyes and pouted "Come back" I Whispered "Adds I don't wanna tell them yet" She Whispered I pouted "okay" I frowned she Kissed me softly "I promise we will soon okay?" She said I nodded "how soon?" I asked Starting to get bitchy "Coffee?" She asked Grinning "I'm not a child I can make my own" I mumbled "Mhm Okay, go get in bed" She smiled Kissing my nose I Rolled my eyes but go up and went to my bed anyway.

I laid in bed and Meredith came in a few minutes later and Handed me a mug "Here you go cutie pie" She smiled "Thanks" I yawned. I Finished my coffee and set the mug down "Better?" She asked I nodded "Thank you" I smiled "Your welcome" She grinned Kissing me softly she crawled in bed next to me and Laid her head on my chest. We snuggled for a Little before someone knocked on the door "Come in" I called as Meredith Let go of me "Your dating I'm not stupid I just need to rant" Christina said coming in and shutting and locking the door behind her. She laid on the bed next in between me and Meredith "three minutes, go" Meredith said And Christina started rambling. For the next three minutes she went on and on about her parents.

"Times up" Meredith Said and Christina Sighed "Thanks" She smiled getting up and Leaving, I laughed slightly and Looked at Meredith "You did it so normally it seems like it happens daily" I giggled "About once a week we made a deal, she gets three minutes Six on a really bad day same for me" She smiled "Nice" I smiled Pulling her back into me "Mer, Do you wanna be my girlfriend" I asked Looking over at her "I would be honoured" She smiled I kissed her softly and Hugged her tightly. "Good" I whispered.

"Its the weekend you know" She smiled "Mhm it is" I smiled She sat up and Looked down at me a smile appeared on her face her cheeks turned red and her face lit up. "uh, ill be home soon stay here" She mumbled getting up and leaving. I was confused but I let her go.

I cleaned her room a little along with mine and Sat in the living room watching tv A few hours Later Meredith stumbled in and fell over landing on her back on the carpet "Meredith!" I yelled getting up and running over to her "What happened?" I asked Pulling her into a hug "I went to joeesss, I had sex" She giggled "Are you drunk?" I asked sniffing her breath "Nooo" She laughed "Mhm Sure, Upstairs come on" I said getting up and picking her up "Why" She pouted "You don't just randomly leave the house and go out drinking to get fucked in the middle of the day!" I said Dragging her into her room and putting her on her bed Five minutes later she was snoring. I giggled slightly and Looked down at her sleeping I put my hand on her head and brushed my fingers through her hair I Kissed her forehead softly "I Lo- Like you" I Whispered before getting up.

I went downstairs and Izzie was in the Kitchen I sat on the kitchen bench "I'm In love with her" I whispered Playing with the ring my mother gave me, "Addison, is that an engagement ring?" She asked Walking over to me and Looking at the ring in my hand "It was my Moms, Im not asking her yet not until its the right time but" I said Looking up at Izzie she smiled "Addison the way she talks about you, tell her you Love her" She Said softly hugging me "I will" I nodded I went upstairs and put the ring back on my thumb "ah shit What the fuck did it do" She groaned Walking back into the room and flopping on the bed "Got drunk and had sex in the bathroom of the bar with someone" I Laughed sitting next to her "Ohmygod" She Mumbled covering her face "What" I asked "I cheated on you, I'm so sorry Adds I-" She started rambling before I cut her off by kissing her "its okay, You where drunk and upset" I said softly, I pulled her into me and she snuggled into me.

"You sure?" She asked "Sure" I smiled, "Meredith" I Whispered into her ear "Mhm?" She asked Sitting up I Pulled her back down and on top of me "Are you okay?" I asked "Yeah" She smiled cuddling into me "Good" I said Kissing her forehead.

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