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I Opened my eyes and sat up I looked at the clock '2:00Am' I sighed I had been waking up almost every hour in pain, I got up and went into the Bathroom I sat on the toilet for a few minutes before getting up and going back to bed "Fucking cramps" I groaned holding my stomach. 

I got up and Waddled my way to Meredith's Room I knocked on the door lightly "mhm what" She groaned I opened the door and she flicked her lamp on "Oh Hi" She whispered rubbing her eyes "Do you have anything f-for cramps" I winced Sitting on the end of her bed "Yeah here" She said opening the draw next to her bed and handing me a bottle "Thanks" I smiled taking one of the pills. "Bad cramps?" She asked "Yeah I've been waking up almost every hour" I Whispered "Damn, you can sleep in my bed I've got an electric blanket ill put it on and you can lay with your stomach down it helps" She smiled Flicking a button on the side of her bed "Are you sure?" I asked still holding my stomach "Yeah, Shut the door" She smiled Laying back down I shut her door and Laid next to her on my stomach. "Goodnight" She Whispered "Night Meredith" I Whispered back.

The next morning I woke up feeling slightly better I rolled over and Meredith was gone, I got up and went downstairs to get coffee "Its 11am, I called you off work today" Meredith Giggled handing me a mug as I walked into the Kitchen "11?!" I said almost dropping the mug before putting it on the counter "Mhm" Meredith smiled "Why didn't you wake me up" I yawned "I tried to, you swatted me away and put a pillow over your head" She laughed. "That would be my sleep walking" I sighed. 

Meredith sat on the counter next to me and just watched me as I drank my coffee "What" I laughed "Nothing just watching the birds outside" She smiled "Oh" I Whispered to myself turning to look out the window that was next to me. I sighed and chugged the rest of my coffee "Oh fuck that wasn't a good idea" I mumbled as I swallowed the last few mouthfuls. "You okay?" Meredith asked as I gagged I shook my head and scrambled to the sink throwing up all the coffee I had chugged "Shit" I mumbled "Maybe don't drink so fast next time" She giggled Tying my hair up in a messy ponytail. 

I Turned the tap on and washed my mouth and face, "I have a date, ill be back soon" Meredith smiled "Ooo with who?" I asked Looking up "His name's Fin" She Said "Nice" I smiled. I went upstairs And Laid back on my bed I got up after an hour and went into Izzie's room, George was already laying next to her on her bed I laid on the other side of her "What's your problems?" She asked "Callie" George said "I have a crush" I mumbled And they both looked at me "Spill" Izzie said sitting up "I don't know" I Whispered "Come on please" George begged "Nope" I Said getting up, I went into Meredith's room instead of my own and laid in her bed. I tried to hold it in but I gave up and Started crying The door opened and Meredith came In she put her bag down and turned noticing me in her bed. "Hey, You okay?" she asked As I laid in her bed crying, "N-No" I Sniffled She sat on the bed in front of me and Put her hand on my back "Do you want to talk?" She asked "No" I Whispered "That's okay" She nodded I let out a sob and she looked down at me "Come here" She said Holding her arms out I sat up and She pulled me into a hug "Its okay" She whispered rubbing circles on my back. 

After a few minutes I stopped crying and she let go of me, "Better?" She asked "Yeah, Thanks" I said smiling softly. "Good" She smiled "I ordered Pizza for dinner it should almost be here" She Smiled I nodded. 

I still had my pjs on and my hair in the messy ponytail Meredith put in my hair, "sit on the floor your back against the bed" She asked I sat on the floor and She sat on the bed behind me her legs on either side of me She took my hair out and And brushed it. She twirled it in her fingers making the ends slightly curly She had a mirror on the wall and it was in front of us she held a little mirror behind my head to show me "Done" She smiled "I like it" I smiled Slightly blushing without thinking I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around me holding onto them and leaning my head on her thigh. she knew I was in pain so she just let me because she knew I needed Comfort. She looked in the Mirror watching me and saw as I started crying She slid down onto the floor and wrapped her arms around me along with her legs, "you'll be okay" She Whispered Hugging me tightly I held her arms and cried "Shh Breathe" She Said softly. "your okay" She said as I sobbed.

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