Chapter Two

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~Nashi's POV~

I took a deep breath in and out. I walked into the gates to Fairy Tail Academy. I decided to take Storm's advice and enroll in Fairy Tail Academy. My parents were really supportive about the idea.

I entered the building and walked into the main office. I saw Mira in the office talking to the principal, Macao.

"Good morning, Mira!" I exclaimed.

"Morning Nashi," Mira said. "Oh, and while you're in school, you have to call me Mirajane-sensei, got it?"

"Yeah, I got it," I said.

Mira was my homeroom teacher. She lead me to her classroom and introduced me.

"Minna, this is Nashi. She's new here, please let her feel welcomed, got that?" Mira said to the class. Because I have Dragon sense, I could hear most of the whispers that was going around in the class.

'Dude, that girl's pretty cute,'

'I bet she has a boyfriend already,'

'She's waaayy out of my league,'

'If she's single, I bet no one would have the guts to confess to her,'

'I bet ten jewel on that,'

That last one got me a bit annoyed.

"Nashi-chan, introduce yourself," Mira said to me.

"Hello minna-san! My name is Nashi Dragneel, and I'm very excited to spend the year with you!" I said trying to look happy.

"DRAGNEEL!?" The whole class said (except Nova and Rosemary) in shock.

"Y-Youre the daughter of Natsu and Lucy Dragneel!?" One of the students asked.

"Yeah, why? You gotta problem with that?" I said in a pretty annoyed voice.

"NO!" He said in obedience.

I sighed as I took my seat. Next period was was Magic Enhancements. This is where we can become stronger in our magic.

After a long boring hour on "why some people don't blah blah blah," we finally went outside to practice our magic.

"Nashi Dragneel?" The teacher, Laxus, called my name.

"Here!" I said enthusiastically.

"Preform any kind of magic attack,"

"Um..." I hesitated. My magic is kinda weak, and I don't have much control over it, so j was being kind of hesitant.

"No one will laugh because if they do, they'll get a hard lightning beating from me instead of detention." Laxus said as everyone just stood there in fear.

I took a deep breath. "Roar of the Fire Dragon!" I chanted as flames of fire came out of my breath, but, it was way less than how much my dad could do. The flames reached only five feet in the distance. "I knew it..."

"Getting better Nash!" I turned around and saw Storm in the other class outside, who also has Magic Enhancements at this time.

I smiled and continued on with class.

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