Chapter 8: A Shadow Over the Celebration

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Two months had passed since the capture of the Raven, and the kingdom of Valeria had begun to breathe a tentative sigh of relief. The palace was abuzz with excitement, for today was a special day—it was Alexander's 21st birthday. The grand halls were adorned with vibrant banners, and the air was filled with the joyous laughter of nobles and commoners alike, all gathered to celebrate their beloved prince.

The festivities were in full swing. Music echoed through the palace, and tables were laden with sumptuous feasts. Alexander, dressed in regal finery, moved through the crowd, greeting guests and accepting their well wishes with a warm smile. Beside him, Seraphina glowed with happiness, sharing in her brother's joy. Their bond had grown stronger in the past months, and today they felt invincible.

Earlier in the day, the siblings had shared a quiet moment in the palace gardens, away from the hustle and bustle of preparations.

"You know, Sera," Alexander said, plucking a rose from a nearby bush, "I can't remember the last time I felt this... hopeful. It's like a new chapter is beginning for us."

Seraphina smiled, taking the rose from him. "It's because we're together now. We're stronger together, and we have so much to look forward to. I have a feeling this is going to be the best birthday you've ever had."

Alexander chuckled. "I hope you're right. I'm just glad you're here to celebrate with me."

The day unfolded with a sense of anticipation. As night fell and the grand celebration began, Seraphina presented Alexander with a beautifully wrapped gift.

"Happy birthday, Alexander!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Alexander grinned, unwrapping it to reveal a finely crafted dagger. "This is incredible, Sera! Thank you. It's perfect."

Seraphina beamed. "I thought it might come in handy, given our recent adventures. Plus, it's always good to have a reminder that you're not alone in this fight."

Alexander nodded, his expression turning serious for a moment. "I couldn't have asked for a better sister. You've made these past months... I don't know, bearable. Even hopeful."

They laughed together, the warmth of their connection evident to all around them.

As the night progressed, the celebration reached its peak. A grand toast was proposed in Alexander's honor, and he stood on a raised platform, raising his goblet high. "To Valeria, and to the future!" he declared, his voice ringing with pride and hope.

The crowd cheered, and Alexander took a moment to look around at the smiling faces. His eyes met Seraphina's, and she gave him an encouraging nod. Everything seemed perfect.

However, amid the revelry, Lucien Shadowfang's plan was unfolding. Disguised as one of the palace servants, Lucien had been watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He moved through the shadows, unseen and unnoticed, his eyes fixed on Seraphina.

As the guests were engrossed in the celebrations, Lucien and his operatives executed their plan with chilling precision. In a moment of chaos—a spilled drink, a sudden distraction—they seized Seraphina, silencing her before she could cry out. She was swiftly and expertly taken away, disappearing into the depths of the palace unnoticed.

The party continued, the guests blissfully unaware of the dark turn the night had taken. It wasn't until the festivities began to wind down that Alexander noticed Seraphina's absence. At first, he thought she might be mingling with the guests, but as he searched the halls and questioned the servants, a growing sense of dread gripped him.

"Has anyone seen Seraphina?" he asked, his voice edged with worry. The responses were all the same—no one had seen her in quite some time.

Panic set in. Alexander's mind raced as he retraced their steps, desperately trying to recall the last time he had seen her. His heart pounded in his chest as he rushed to her chambers, hoping to find her there.

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