Chapter 12: Race Against Time

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The ride to Darkwood Cliff was grueling. Alexander and his men pushed their horses to the limit, the urgency of their mission lending them speed. The landscape changed from the dense marshes to rugged terrain, with jagged rocks and steep cliffs. The castle ruins loomed in the distance, a stark silhouette against the dawn sky.

Alexander's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. He replayed the ambush in his head, the betrayal and the fight, but most of all, the prisoner's words haunted him. Seraphina was at Darkwood Cliff, and he had to get there before it was too late.

As they neared the castle, Alexander called for a halt. "We need to approach carefully," he instructed, his voice low but firm. "Lucien will have guards posted. We can't afford to alert them to our presence."

His men nodded, their expressions grim but determined. They dismounted, leaving their horses hidden in a nearby grove. Moving quietly, they crept closer to the castle, their eyes scanning for any signs of movement.

The castle ruins were eerily silent. Alexander motioned for his men to spread out and search for any hidden entrances. He took the main path, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and hope.

As he approached the entrance, he spotted a pair of guards. With swift, silent motions, he took them down, ensuring they couldn't raise an alarm. His men followed suit, dispatching any guards they encountered with precision.

Alexander moved deeper into the castle, his senses on high alert. Every shadow seemed to hold a threat, every creak of the floorboards a potential ambush. But his thoughts kept returning to Seraphina. He had to find her.

In the lower levels of the castle, Seraphina lay on a makeshift bed, her legs bandaged but still in pain. The wounds Lucien had inflicted throbbed with every heartbeat. She had tried to stay strong, but the constant pain and fear were wearing her down.

She heard footsteps approaching and tensed, expecting another visit from Lucien. But to her surprise, it was one of the guards, a young man with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"Princess," he whispered, glancing around nervously. "I'm here to help you."

Seraphina's eyes widened. "Why? Why would you help me?"

"I can't stand what Lucien is doing," the guard replied. "He's a monster. I want to see him stopped as much as you do. But we have to move quickly. Alexander is coming."

"Alexander?" Seraphina's heart leapt at the mention of her brother. "He's here?"

The guard nodded. "I overheard the others talking. He's on his way. But we need to get you out before Lucien realizes what's happening."

With the guard's help, Seraphina struggled to her feet, wincing in pain. He supported her as they made their way through the dimly lit corridors. Every step was agonizing, but the thought of seeing Alexander again gave her strength.

Alexander's team moved methodically through the castle, clearing room after room. They encountered more guards, but their training and determination carried them through. As they reached the lower levels, Alexander's sense of urgency intensified.

He kicked open a door and found himself in a small, dimly lit room. To his immense relief, he saw Seraphina, supported by a guard. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, with a cry of joy and relief, he rushed to her side.

"Seraphina!" he exclaimed, pulling her into a careful embrace. "Thank the gods you're safe."

Seraphina clung to him, tears streaming down her face. "Alexander, I knew you'd come. I knew it."

The guard stepped back, allowing them a moment of reunion. "We need to move quickly," he said, his voice urgent. "Lucien will realize something is wrong soon."

Alexander nodded, his relief tempered by the need for caution. "Thank you for helping her," he said to the guard. "What's your name?"

"Jared," the guard replied. "But we don't have time for thanks. We need to get out of here."

Supporting Seraphina between them, Alexander and Jared made their way back through the castle. The rest of Alexander's team regrouped, forming a protective circle around them. They moved swiftly but carefully, knowing that any moment could bring Lucien and his reinforcements.

As they reached the main hall, Lucien appeared, flanked by his remaining men. His face twisted with rage when he saw Seraphina with Alexander.

"Going somewhere, Princess?" Lucien sneered, his voice cold.

Alexander stepped forward, his sword drawn. "It's over, Lucien. Let her go."

Lucien laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "You think you can just walk out of here? You're a fool, Alexander. You've played right into my hands."

The tension in the room was palpable. Both sides were poised for a fight, but Alexander knew they couldn't afford a prolonged battle. He had to get Seraphina to safety.

"We'll see who the fool is," Alexander said, his voice steady. "Protect Seraphina," he ordered his men.

With a roar, the battle erupted. Alexander's men fought fiercely, determined to protect their prince and his sister. Lucien's forces were equally ruthless, but the tide began to turn in Alexander's favor.

Jared stayed close to Seraphina, shielding her from the chaos. Alexander moved through the melee with precision, his sword finding its mark time and again. Finally, he reached Lucien, their swords clashing in a fierce duel.

"You've lost, Lucien," Alexander said through gritted teeth, parrying a strike.

"Not yet," Lucien snarled, lunging forward.

The fight was brutal, but Alexander's resolve was unbreakable. With a final, decisive strike, he disarmed Lucien, sending his sword clattering to the ground.

"It's over," Alexander said, his voice firm. "Surrender."

Lucien glared at him, hatred burning in his eyes. But before he could react, Alexander's men closed in, securing him and his remaining forces.

Breathing heavily, Alexander turned to Seraphina, who watched with a mixture of relief and awe. "Let's get you home," he said, gently taking her hand.

As they made their way out of the castle, the first rays of dawn broke over the horizon. The darkness that had shrouded their world was finally lifting. Alexander knew the road ahead would still be challenging, but with Seraphina safe and by his side, he felt ready to face whatever came next.


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