Chapter 14: An Unexpected Visit

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The palace buzzed with activity, its usual air of formality tempered by the laughter and lighthearted conversations that filled its halls. Seraphina, now almost fully recovered, moved about with a newfound sense of freedom and joy. Her family's care and the support of her friends had done wonders for her spirits.

This particular morning, Seraphina was in the garden, enjoying the vibrant blooms and the chirping of birds. Her peace was soon interrupted by a familiar voice calling her name.


She turned to see a young man approaching with a broad smile on his face. He had grown taller and more confident since she had last seen him, and his eyes sparkled with excitement. It was Thomas, her childhood friend from the village.

"Thomas! It's so good to see you!" Seraphina exclaimed, rushing to greet him. They embraced warmly, their laughter filling the air.

As they chatted, catching up on lost time, Alexander entered the garden. His protective instincts immediately kicked in when he saw the stranger with Seraphina. He walked over, his eyes narrowing slightly as he sized up Thomas.

"Who's this?" Alexander asked, his tone cordial but guarded.

Seraphina turned to her brother with a bright smile. "Alexander, this is Thomas. He's an old friend from the village. We used to play together when we were kids."

Alexander's expression softened slightly, but his protective instincts remained strong. "It's nice to meet you, Thomas," he said, extending a hand.

Thomas shook Alexander's hand, trying to keep his composure under Alexander's scrutinizing gaze. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness. I've heard a lot about you."

Alexander gave a small, polite nod. "Likewise. What brings you to the palace?"

Thomas hesitated, glancing at Seraphina for reassurance. She smiled encouragingly, and he took a deep breath. "Actually, I came here to see Seraphina. There's something important I need to tell her."

Alexander's protective instincts flared even more. He crossed his arms, his expression a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "Oh? And what might that be?"

Thomas swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Alexander's scrutiny. He turned to Seraphina, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Seraphina, I've known you since we were children. We've shared so many memories and adventures. And... well..."

Seraphina's eyes widened with anticipation. "Yes, Thomas?"

Thomas took another deep breath, summoning all his courage. "I've realized that I have feelings for you. I love you, Seraphina."

There was a moment of stunned silence. Seraphina's eyes widened in surprise, and a blush crept across her cheeks. Before she could respond, Alexander stepped forward, his face a picture of overprotective brotherly concern.

"Thomas," Alexander began, his voice firm. "You do realize that Seraphina has been through a lot recently. She needs time to recover and..."

Seraphina interrupted him, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Alexander, I appreciate your concern, but I can handle this."

Alexander frowned, clearly not convinced. "I just want to make sure you're safe and happy, Seraphina."

Thomas, sensing an opportunity to lighten the mood, grinned. "Your Highness, I assure you, my intentions are honorable. I just want to make Seraphina smile."

Alexander's frown deepened. "And how do you plan to do that?"

Thomas thought quickly, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Well, I could start with a joke. Did you hear the one about the prince who was so overprotective, he scared away all his sister's suitors?"

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