Chapter One - Lost and Found

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3rd person POV

Lucifer Morningstar had lived a long time and had therefore seen many things.

But even he was shocked by the sight before him.

The car was an absolute wreck, with the metal having been thoroughly twisted and obliterated from whatever had impacted against it. The vehicle was smoking as well, he wasn't quite sure how that had happened.

However what really shocked him was the bodies.

There were two of them in the car - a middle-aged woman and man, clearly husband and wife, both with dark skin and dark brown hair. Both of them were dead, clearly having suffered severe head trauma when the vehicle had crashed.

Lucifer felt bad for them, he really did. Lives cut short so quickly.

Just then he heard a groan come from the car. He looked around for the source and eventually his eyes settled on a young human girl, who was trying to slowly crawl out of the car. She couldn't have been any older than ten years old and looked like she was barely hanging on to life.

She looked up at Lucifer and said, "Help. Please" and promptly passed out.

Normally, the King of Hell would be panicking about what to do or perhaps just leave the child to her fate. But the girl had stirred something in him - fatherly protective instincts. He'd only ever experienced it with Charlie before, but now...

Well, he thought, I have been wanting another daughter.

Lucifer scooped the child up in his arms, making sure to be gentle so as to not hurt her, spread his wings and opened a portal back to Hell with a mere thought, before flying through and finding himself in the palace.

Immediately, he began flying through the halls to the west wing, trying to get to the palace infirmary. As he flew, he could hear the whispers of the servants but he blocked them from his mind - he had more important things to do.

Barging into the infirmary, Lucifer called out, "Vera! I need you!"

A tall, ginger-furred hellhound, with red eyes and hair pulled back in a ponytail, clad in a doctor's uniform, came rushing over, "Yes my lord?" Lucifer took a deep breath, knowing that several awkward conversations were sure to be coming and said, "I need you to help me save this girl's life. I found her in the human world, both her parents dead in a car crash. I couldn't leave her there."

To her credit, Vera simply nodded and said, "Of course. We will make sure she is given the best treatment possible. You can count on me your Highness." "Good, now get to work" Lucifer said, handing the girl over to Vera, who immediately set her down on one of the beds and started calling for her fellow doctors.

Lucifer stepped out of the infirmary and sighed. He felt like his heart had been racing for the past few minutes and he was now feeling drained.

A feeling that only got worse when he heard one of his guards say, "Sire! Her Majesty Lilith wishes to speak with you!"

Lucifer groaned. This was gonna be awkward...

End of Chapter One

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