Chapter 6

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The next moments went by in a blur. Her vision was too poor and her body was still in shock, preventing her from really moving. She felt herself being dragged through some doors and then sat and tied down to a chair, the ropes biting into her skin.

Once she regained full control of her senses and her body, she found herself back in the security room, this time tied to one of the chairs. She moaned as she felt her body still numb with lingering pain, her muscles twitching. Looking around she saw that another normal uniformed guard had entered the room as well. Now the odds were against her 4 to 1.

"What... what did you do... and why... back here... what about... body scan?" she struggled to speak through the numbness of her mouth, her tongue feeling heavy and clumsy.

"Taser," the guard who had used the taser replied, a smirk on his face. "Seems like your first time experiencing it, huh? It's a very good tool. It directly stimulates the nervous system without causing any real physical injury," he said with a grin. "All the fun without the lasting consequences." His tone was almost gleeful, sending a shiver down She's spine.

"All right, calm down, Ronald," the supervisor spoke, giving the guard with the taser a dismissive motion.

"We are past the body scanner now," the supervisor replied, turning his attention back to She. "I think I have seen enough to be certain you are not who you say you are. So now, I ask questions, and you answer them, starting with where the item you stole is."

"I...I really don't know what you are talking about'' She replied now having more control of herself.

"You know," the supervisor approached her, "for a kid, you're pretty tough. Most people pee themselves the first time they're tased like that. But you didn't, and you seem to be regaining yourself pretty quickly too." He gave a little nod of acknowledgment. "But you know, Ronald here, he really likes using that taser. It has all sorts of settings. Of course, we don't want you losing your faculties again and being unable to answer my questions. But it can cause you a lot of pain without going that far. And it can do so over and over again."

She looked over at Ronald, who gave her a grin, the taser still clutched in his hand. His eyes gleamed with a sadistic anticipation that sent a shiver down her spine.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a guest at this party," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady and determined, despite the fear that gripped her heart.

"Well, if that's how you want to play it," the supervisor said with a sigh and nodded to Ronald. With a grin, Ronald stepped forward and touched the taser to her chest, just above her breasts. She braced herself, but nothing could have prepared her for the explosion of pain that consumed her body. It wasn't as intense as the first time, but it still left her gasping and writhing against her restraints. She could see through watery eyes, and she could still move, though her movements were limited by the ropes that bound her. As the pain continued, she could feel tears welling up, threatening to spill over. But she gritted her teeth, determined not to give them the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

At another motion from the supervisor, Ronald stopped and stepped back. "So?" the supervisor asked, his voice cold and unsympathetic. "Do you feel like answering my questions now?"

"I... I have already answered your questions. I'm just a guest at the party," she replied once more, her words forced out through clenched teeth. The pain still lingered in her muscles, making it hard to focus on anything else. She didn't want to tell them anything. She had always imagined that this would be a possibility if she ever started taking big jobs. In those scenarios, she had pictured herself as a defiant hero, withstanding any torture and then making a daring escape. But now, faced with the grim reality of her situation, doubt began to creep in. She wasn't sure how long she could hold out, or if escape was even possible.

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