How to make your OC lovable

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1. Appearance plays a small role. Is the design pleasing to the eye?
2. Make your character suffer undeserved misfortune or punishments that are too big.
3. Give them a nice personality. Are they funny? Humor matters a lot. The comic relief character is always one of the favorites. It's sad when they die.
4. Kill them off too early.
5. Kids are always lovable.
6. Make them feel human. Give them flaws.
7. If they're a creepypasta or something, give them someone they don't kill then give them a specific target (like bullies or criminals)
8. Don't try too hard to make your OC lovable with a tragic backstory and everything, thats just dumb.

Remember. Your OC doesn't have to be lovable. If they're a villain, they can be hateable. Who cares? All that matters is that they have to be interesting.

(124 words)

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