I'm a monster.....

704 18 4

Granny Tsunade had declared that Kakashi-sensei, Naruto, Sakura, and I will now officially be team Kakashi.

It feels weird having to see Kakashi-sensei more as a peer than a sensei. I still consider him as a sensei

"You guys have definitely gotten stronger, that's for sure. I never dreamed you would of snagged those bells." Kakashi-sensei said.

"Well, what can I say? Maybe I've finally surpassed you, sensei." Naruto said grinning

"Yeah, like that would ever happen." Sakura replied.

"Well, I'm not over the hill quite yet. In fact, just the other day I worked out this unbelievable new jutsu. And let me tell you, you've gotta see it to believe it. It's absol-" Kakashi-sensei started.

Just then my brothers stomach growled.

"Oh man, I forgot. I haven't had a bowl of ramen from Ichiraku since I got back." Naruto said.

"Now that you mention it, I'm starving after last night's challenge actually." Sakura stated.

"Then say no more! Next stop Ichiraku ramen!" my brother exclaimed, running off. Sakura followed.

"You guys go on ahead! I'll catch up later!" I called after them.

"Why!" my brother asked.

"Well I'm the one who has to clean the room , " I replied

"If that's the case I can help" he said pointing his thumb towards him

"Nope you only increase the work Naruto-nee I'll manage" I said giggling

"Yeah! You are right Akane, if Naruto joins then he'll make the work double for you" said sakura chuckling

"Hey!! I am helpful too!" Said my brother stomping his feet

I giggled

"It's okay I'll manage bye ,Sorry Kakashi-sensei. I'd love to hear more about your amazing jutsu, but I have something to do first. See ya around!" I said, before jumping off.

I opened the door to my brother and I's apartment.

"It's so dull.." I said aloud.

I walked into our room and started to clean up. First I opened the window, so I actually had some clean air to breathe..

'The dust began to clear the room. It's so dusty, have we've really been gone for that long?.. ' I thought

I grabbed the old broom and started sweeping the floors.

It's so quiet..

I hate when it's so quite

Thoughts started to fill my mind. This is why I hate silence, it gives me time to think about certain things I don't want to..

Like how my emotions are starting to affect my control of my chains.

That night.. I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

My grip on the broom tightened as I swept.



Two year ago

Two ninjas threw me into a tree. I closed my eyes due to pain

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