Chapter 15

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I ran inside through the rain. I was already shocked through with the thought that I was falling for someone as dangerous as Mattheo. I ran my fingers through my hair and was almost crying. That was when I saw my reflection. I barely recognised myself. I thought to myself, this isn't you. The old you wouldn't dare to cry over a boy. Get yourself together. I gave myself a little shake and got ready for bed. I climbed under the covers and thought of a plan. I would not let this little crush get in my way. I was here for a reason and I would finish this year feeling much better about myself. I'd already spent too much time fawning over some stupid little boy. I was an independent woman. That was when I heard Mother's voice in my head. You're a disgrace to the family name. Fawning over some boy who won't ever want you back? I remembered my last little feminism moment. That was when a random boy I had met asked me out. I had said yes and I was happy for a month. But when he saw the violent side to me, he ran. I was heart broken but then I wasn't going to let that stop me and I won't let it stop me now. I thought about it some more before I wriggled further down my bed and soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was more than ready to take on the world. Or in my case, fight through this little crush the entire day and try to not let it bother me. I swung my legs out of my bed and walked to the shower. I rinsed out my hair and wrapped myself in a towel. I went back over to my wardrobe and looked through my clothes. All of the clothes I had were too nicey nicey and I needed something different. That was when I caught sight of the short black dress that I had brought one night out when I was drunk. I pulled it out and tried it on. Surprisingly, it still fit and so I left it on. I pulled out some black boots and some tights. I left my hair natural for once and I wore my glasses. I put on my jewellery and grabbed my stuff and shoved it all into a bag.

I ran down the stairs but stopped for the last floor to catch my breath and make a stunning entrance. I slowly walked down the stone steps and the soles of my boots echoed around the room. Everyone heard it and stopped what they were doing to look at what was happening. I slowly walked the rest of the steps and walked over to the Slytherin table. When Mattheo tried to sit next to me, I moved and sat next in between Tom and Callum. I greeted them and turned to watch in glee as Mattheo was so angry, smoke was almost coming out of his ears. I smirked to myself and ate a spoonful of my chocolate granola. I don't care what people say, it's amazing. I ate the rest of it and finished my last mouthful just as the first bell went. I slowly got up from my seat and walked over to Reggie to walk to class with him. We were laughing away just as Mattheo caught sight of me again. I winked at him as I walked away. He literally growled as we left the room. Pansy joined us and complimented my outfit. I smiled at her and complimented hers too. We walked into our first class and saw that there were only 2 seats left. We all lunged for them but Pansy and Reggie both got there first. I was about to sit on the floor when I felt a person dragging me up. I was suddenly sat down on someone's lap. I turned around but before I could, I smelt a familiar scent. Mattheo. I sat down as I heard him hissing at some of the other boys who were staring at me. I wiggled around a bit to get comfortable. That was when I felt something underneath me. I told him to take his phone out of his pocket but that was when he whispered in my ear, "That's not a phone darling, and anyway, I don't have any pockets." That was when I fully turned around to face him in shock. He was sat there grinning at me. That was when Tom burst through the door. He saw there were no more seats so he pulled some geeky kid out of his and sat down while pulling me with him. He yanked me off of Mattheo's lap and placed me down on his. That was when I heard some whispering from behind us. That was when I had decided I'd had enough. Remembering what I had said to myself earlier in the mirror, I stood up from Tom's lap and made my way back over to where Mattheo was sat. He thought I was going to sit back down but I just simply grabbed my bag and walked over to the middle of the classroom. I found another geek and punched him in the face. He fell flat against the table and I dragged him off of the seat. I placed him on the floor and I sat down in his seat and got all of my stuff out. I felt all of the people's eyes on my from the back, front and side but I just stared at the teacher. She gave all 3 of us detentions for tonight and started on her lesson.

I made my way to the hall for lunch when I got stopped. It was a first year Slytherin. Trying to be nice, I crouched to her height as she was really small. She asked me if I could teach her to fight like that. I asked her, "Like this?" and punched a small Gryffindor passing by us and kneeing them in the face as they fell on my knee. She grinned at me, "exactly like that!"  I returned her smile. "Unfortunately, I can't tonight but I can meet you every evening from then on on the grounds if you want?" "Yeah please!" "Ok, sure then." I smiled at her as I stood up and walked off. That was when I heard the footsteps following me. I suddenly spun around and hooked my leg around their ankle and heard the person thud to the floor. There was Tom on the floor. He stood up looking furious but as I apologised, his face slowly relaxed. "I just wanted to tell you that teaching the first years to fight may not be the best idea." I stood up to face him. "And why's that, Tom?" I then grinned up at him and walked off. This day was going better than expected.

Note: By the way, the detention's going to be in the next chapter and things are going to get a little bit spicy x 🌶🌶🌶

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