Chapter 10

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I walked in and the whole room went silent. I knew that I was taking a massive risk with my mother's surname but I'll do anything to get back at those who make a fool of me. My mother would surely understand and it won't take long for it to blow back over. I stepped in and immediately saw Tom staring at my dress while grinding his jaw and I just knew that I had hit a nerve with my choice if dress. There were audible gasps as I sat down with Enzo, a rather cute boy who I met not that long ago and I knew that he would be happy for me to hang with him. I cleared my throat as I approached him and he looked up. His face broke out in a massive grin and he patted his knee for me to sit. I did so and as I looked back up again an amazingly furious look crossed over Mattheo's face. I grinned to myself and leaned in to whisper something in Enzo's ear while keeping eye contact with Mattheo. I reached in my bag for my lipstick to top it back up when I heard footsteps coming this way. I glanced up and saw Ginny standing there. I smiled at her and complimented her dress which was also red but had major elements of gold on to match Gryffindor's colours. I grinned up at her when she held out her hand and asked me if I wanted to dance. I immediately reached for her hand and pulled myself off of Enzo. I said goodbye as I knew now that I had gotten up that I wouldn't be sitting back down again for a while.

Me and Ginny walked to the centre of the dance floor and started dancing as a new song cane on. This one was dark and sexy, unlike that pop song that was just on. Me and Ginny started swirling our hips to the beat of the song and before long, our asses were twirling along with our hips and we have every male's attention in the place. We carried on even as the song changed to an even sexier one and all of the couples started to dance together and soon enough, tits were being squeezed and dicks being grabbed. Before the song had ended, several of the couples had gone to a private room to carry on. I was still dancing with Ginny when Harry turned up and whisked her away. I was too drunk to care though because somebody had decided to spike the already spiked punch and now everyone was so damn drunk that no one even cared who was taking them away. I was still dancing by myself when I felt someone press against me and danced along with me. I turned my head and blearily looked at them and noticed that it was Mattheo Riddle. I turned my head back round and drank some more from my cup. I was gradually getting even more drunk but I didn't even realise.

I saw Pansy in the crowd and pushed off of Mattheo as the song ended to go talk to her. I approached her and when she saw me, she gasped with surprise and put her hand over her heart. I laughed and she said something but I couldn't hear her because of the music blasting in my ears. I just laughed along with her but I noticed that I was getting dizzy. I clutched her arm as I sunk to the floor. I felt a pair of arms catch me as I fell and that was the last thing I felt before I passed out.

I woke up with a pounding headache and no recollection of what happened last night. The only thing I remember is slowly getting more and more drunk while dancing with Ginny. I glanced down and saw that my dress was off and I was in a large top which covered my black set but just barely. I looked around blearily and saw that I was in a dorm room which I had never been in before. I heard a door unlock and I watched in horror as no other than Mattheo fucking Riddle come out of the bathroom with only a towel slung around his waist. I blushed so fucking deeply I was probably red as I lifted my head to his face and when our eyes met, he recoiled so fast that he fell over. I laughed so fucking hard that I was almost pissing myself and he was just layed on the floor. I was still catching my breath after laughing so long and hard when he got up looking so embarrassed. At the worst timing possible, his towel fell off which left him completely stark naked while I just stared in shock. He had literal rock hard abs which were perfectly sculpted and then as my eyes drifted lower I gasped so fucking hard at his size. He was about 10 fuckin inches. Definitely the biggest I've ever seen.  That wasn't all. There were so many piercings too. There were about 5. I was definitely gobsmacked and I just sat there for about 2 minutes just staring. I only glanced up because Mattheo cleared his throat and pulled the towel back up again and walked over to his wardrobe to grab some clothes. 

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