Chapter 8

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The next day I waited for someone to scream. For a commotion to happen but there was nothing. The Johnsons went on with their day as usual. Could it be the cat? But how could a cat wipe those handprints? I kicked the fence in frustration and the dog started to bark. I planned it so well then how? Ugh! Guess this calls for Plan D. Plan D was cruel and more gore. I got all the things needed for it, most of which were in the dusty storeroom of the Johnsons. No cat or rat could stop me this time...unless the rat wakes up because it didn't die...Nah! That can’t happen. What if the cat eats the rat though? Is that possible? Maybe I should kill the cat too...Preparation being done, I got down to the process with full confidence in the outcome without a clue that yet again my plans were going to fail.  

   It was a Sunday morning when the Johnsons came home from church with company. Layla and her mum followed behind and I saw Mickey beam with joy as he entered hand in hand with Layla. He told Layla to wait for him and hopped away. For some reason, she didn’t seem to match his energy. I watched silently as the Guptas sat down on the couch and Marth went to get them tea. After Mickey changed into his house clothes, he ran to Layla and grabbed her hand. “Layla! Layla let’s play. Mama bought me new board games!” He cheered. Layla looked at her mother instead and her mother nodded. Silently she walked away with him. I frowned. Mmm weird. “Is everything alright? Why is Layla sad?” Martha asked. 

   Layla’s mum didn’t look very happy either. It was like she was hesitant to say something. That’s when something sank in. What if…No. no. No. No. She can’t! She shouldn’t. She can’t tell Layla not to join Mickey. I need to do something!  I open the backyard door and walk into the house. Maybe I should finally communicate with them. I’ll tell them what a piece of shi- “My husband got a lovely job offer in Australia.” oh...

   “Oh, that is lovely! Tell him I said congrats,” Martha replied. 

   Layla’s mum nodded. “We are going away as a family. His office is willing to take us.”

   “Oh wow.”

   “Yeah, so that’s why Layla is sad. She doesn’t want to go. She keeps saying she won’t leave Mickey.”

   “Awe... yeah Mickey is going to be very sad about it, but they can still keep in touch. We can call and have them write letters-” Not wishing to listen further, I walked away. I was only concerned about Mickey. Layla was his only friend, and her leaving would shatter him. I really wished there was something I could do but considering the fact I couldn’t go anywhere, I was helpless. I went over to Mickey’s room window and watched them. Layla sat silently on the floor as Mickey counted the paper money and gave her for their game. He noticed her not speaking and asked, “What happened Layla?” 

   She looked at him eyes full of tears as she broke the news to him, “I’m leaving to Australia, Mickey.”

   “Ah, it is okay. I’ll wait for you. We can play once you ah back,” he said smiling. Oh, the poor thing had no clue.

   “No! Mickey, I won’t be coming back. I’m going far far away,” she said grabbing his hand.

   “Oh.” It took him a moment to realize and then he said, “You ah l-leaving me?” My heart sank hearing the crack in his voice.

   Layla stayed silent and didn’t say anything. “P-please don’t.” 

   Tears rolled down Layla’s cheeks as she spoke, “Mama says I have to go. I don’t wanna go.”

   “I’ll ask Aunty,” Mickey huffed and bolted out. I sprinted around the house as fast as I could to get to the living room window to see what was happening. “Aunty. Aunty, please don’t take Layla away,” he cried tugging on her dress. 

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