{Two} Layla

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I sit on a plastic stool sipping on a glass of juice as I look around at the crowds flocking around the shops on Commercial Street hoping to see Michael who had gone to find a shop selling Kolapuries. The scorching heat had drained me out. So here I am under a tarpaulin sitting out at a small shop, drinking some sathukudi juice to hydrate.

   I sense someone's presence and look up. I see a man wearing coolers, cargo shorts and a polo standing next to me. Ignoring the stranger I look back at my juice. I feel a hand brush against me. This time the guy is standing closer to me. At first, he stares into the shop, but then turns his attention to me. Consciously I place my hand in front of my top pressing the neck to my skin. He asks me something in Kanada. I only comprehend the word "Name" from it. Getting a bad vibe from him, I turn my back to him. He calls me pretty lady making me roll my eyes. Then I hear footsteps, and I get ready to stand. A hand is placed on my shoulder. I swing around on my heel ready to throw a punch only to startle the intruder.

   "Wow wow! Layschips are you okay?" Michael asks holding his right hand out. I look behind him to see the man still staring at me. I look back at Michael and nod. "Yes," I lie not wanting to cause trouble. Michael looks behind and sees the man. Scared he might say something, I grab his shoulder. He looks back at me, and simply sits on the stool beside mine. Ironically my heart tightens in disappointment. I look back at the man who grins at me. Why didn't Michael say anything?
   Oh, stop being dramatic.

   "Lalama sit." I silently nod and sit. I don't know what I was thinking. Michael doesn't really fight. He isn't one for drama. Neither am I but Ughh.

   Michael then does something surprising. He throws his hand behind me and wraps it around my shoulders. I look at him. He tells me something in Kanada and he says it a little loud. Emphasising the word "darling" which is all I understand from that sentence because I barely remember the language. I can't help but blush. I look back at the stranger and I see him walking away. Michael doesn't remove his hand, however. He doesn't even look at that guy. Instead, he pulls me closer making me embarrassed. "Michael people are watching," I whisper sipping on my juice to avoid eye contact.

   "I know," he casually says. Is he jealous?

   Don't have fat hopes will ya?

   Despite liking this sudden closeness, I pull back considering we are in public and not in Australia. I quickly start gulping on my juice so we can leave this crowded place. The last thing I need right now is to have a wheezing attack. But soon I regret drinking so fast because I end up swallowing a seed which makes me choke and start coughing. Michael pats my head and starts laughing, "Slow down, what's the hurry uh?"

   I pout and pull away from him. I drink the juice slowly this time and finish it. Michael takes the glass and hands it back to the shopkeeper. I stand up ready to leave. "Can we go back to the villa?" He shakes his head. "But it's soooooooo hot and my shoes hurt," I whine refusing to leave the shade. Michael simply smiles and digs through the plastic bag he has been holding. He pulls out a turtle hat and places it on my head. "I thought you went for Kolapuries?"



   "Sit down Layla," he orders making me frown. I nod and sit. He takes out a new white pair of slippers from the bag. I look at him in disbelief. Awww. He holds my ankle and removes my shoe before sliding the slipper on my feet. "This solves the shoe issue... Oh and-" he slips his hand in his pocket and pulls out a plaster. My heart melts and I stare at him with tears in my eyes. He places a bandaid on my shoebite and says, "All good now." Standing up, he dusts himself and holds out his hand. "Come di, we have many more streets to explore. I still need to find those Kolapuries!"

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