Singing in the shops (a richared and bruce story)

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As the sun shone through the bedroom curtains Bruce awakens to the thundering sound of small footsteps getting closer to his room,suddenly the young blue eyed and black haired former acrobat practically flung himself at his fathers former sleeping body but before the boy could yell,Bruce caught the boy and proceeded to fall back onto his pillows but before he could close his eyes Alfred walked in and threw open the curtains and told them how today they needed to the furniture store as well as the supermarket before leaving to make breakfast.

Lé time skip cause Alfred is immortal
Bruce's pov
As I drive through the streets I look back at the mirror and see dick singing to himself a song called record player which is ironic because when I showed him my record player he laughed in my face and said "no silly that's a radio"soon after the song finished I pulled into the car park of cloud nine superstore once i had procured the cart I saw a blue of blue and black as dick raced in front  of me and burst through the automatic doors and proceeded to yell "🎶HELLOOOOOOOOOO🎶then with his big ocean blue eyes turned to me and without saying anything it felt like he said "your move bi**"my eyes widened in shock because to beat him at this little game of his I would have to look a grown man up and  down at the first person I come across  and say🎶can I get those apples there thankyou very much🎶 as I continued to walk down the different isles grabbing the essentials and putting back the candy that the exited12 year old was snatching from the shelves a woman then walked down the isle and practically right in front of me,Richard looked at the woman the at me then with a big grin began laughing quitetly to himself so I took a deep breath and from the bottom of my chest I began to  sing🎶 "excuse me madam but could you please move so I can get that item in front of youuuuuuu"🎶
Normal point of view (the reader)
The woman's eyes grew as my voice continued on its harmonious journey,the lady turned around and slowly side stepped out of my way so I quickly grabbed the fruit and ran for my life down the next empty isle to the tills being tailed by an exited 8 year old
As soon as I got home Richard runs through the front doors signalling to Alfred that we had returned as i approached the kitchen to put away all of the shopping ,Alfred proceeded to grab some of the bags out of my hands looking straight into my now tired dull blue eyes "don't ask,its been a long day"Bruce mumbled as his head was now flat against the table soon enough dick ran back into the kitchen stopping in front of Alfred as proceeded to say "he sang in a woman's face to prove that he couldn't beat me in a competition that I didn't even intend on starting in turn ruining his social image meaning that he will never show his face in any shop in the state ever again" the young boy began to laugh once more as he ran out of the room and up the stairs to the game room to play Pac-Man,Bruce then turned to Alfred and said "long day indeed"soon after that you heard a yell of anger and the ending Pac-Man death noise,both adults laughed to the self's and continued on with the rest of their day,Alfred with cleaning and sorting and Bruce showering the internet for any videos of his vocal competition with his 8 year old son.

Hey guys author here sorry if my writing isn't any good but all I do is think and write so if you have any suggestions or requests I can try my best to do please vote or leave a comment if you can thanks byeee

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