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Waking up to slugs on my face is not how I wanted my day to start, but nothing I want ever seems possible sharing a dorm with Pansy. Its like her life mission is to make my life miserable. So last night I dreamed about Draco and this morning I woke up screaming. Only one of those things is new. Its weird, I don't usually dream about people I know. I've had the odd dream where Hermione and I ate so much poppy pixie wing dust we exploded but that's been about it. The dream was nothing crazy, just flashes of those grey eyes of his and whispers of my name from those provocative lips of his. Provocative as in the words from his lips provoke rage. Nothing else.

Slug by slug I disgustingly pluck them off my face with tears in my eyes whilst Pansy's hyena like laugh drills my ears. As if my day couldn't have gotten worse I see my last pair of clean tights cut into several pieces. God why must Pansy be such a bitch, like more than usual. Looking through what little clothing I have I find some unused thigh high tights, must have been for a halloween costume or something. I roll my skirt up, making it shorter than it already is, as that's what most girls do anyway and head to Divination class with bat crazy hippy professor Trelawney. I wonder what incredulous fortune she will come up with today.

One step through the door and I can already feel his eyes burning through me. I try to avert my gaze from his piercing stare, but my eyes are drawn upwards like moths to a flame. His stormy eyes meet mine and we hold the stare until Hermione calls me over to sit next to her, Harry and Ron.

'I can't believe we have to endure this pointless lesson' whines Ron.

'I agree, I have too much potions homework to catch up with' Hermione replies.

Blimey are Hermione and I lucky not to have Snape as our potions teacher anymore. I'd take tedious professor Slughorn with his copious amount of homework any day over eerie professor Snape.

'She may be mad put she hasn't had an incorrect prediction yet. Remember when she predicted Neville would find himself in nature and he ended up stuck in the whomping willow' Harry adds.

We all laugh. Her prophecies may be riddled with ambiguity and double meanings, but they end up being true one way or another.

Trelawney walks eccentrically up to none other than the Slytherin prince.

'YOU' she points dramatically.

'My dear boy, YOU have a very difficult path ahead. A fork in the road. Two paths. Both filled with pain. Lots and lots of pain. I see a have a great battle ahead...'

The whole room is silenced. I watch the mask that Draco constantly has on slip, just slightly. The right corner of his lip quivered just once. But once is enough to show that maybe, just maybe, he knows something is coming. Something that will cause him pain. But that tremble quickly turned into a sneer and his sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle laugh along too.

'What absolute malarky. Rubbish this is. Absolute rubbish. My father shall hear about this'

Of course, always hiding behind daddy.

Trelawney starts to speak again, her eyes cloudy but filled with fear and concern.

'I see love in your life... an all consuming, burning love...' she pauses

'I see...'

' I see that hate has burrowed itself deep within you... a gnawing hunger that twists your insides. And for a creature of hate, love's embrace will be a far more agonising torment for you my boy...'

In my peripheral vision I see pansy's face light up and a smile wiped onto her face. I guess she is the 'all consuming, burning love' in the prophecy. Maybe Trelawney really has lost it. Pansy being the object of love and Draco feeling an emotion other than hate, really takes the piss. I guess Draco agrees because he rolls his eyes and scoffs.

'Dumbledore really let this crazy hag teach classes' he spits.

And with that he storms out the class. Everyone is just left stunned and we all endure the rest of the lesson in silence whilst Trelawney just mutters to herself and rubs her crystal ball. Watching her unhinged antics, I wonder if Draco felt as if there is some truth in the prophecy. Truth in a difficult path that lays for him ahead.

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