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As the waves of pleasure finally subside, Draco pulls his hand away, his fingers glistening with my arousal. He brings his hand towards his mouth when a sudden noise from the hallway breaks the spell. Footsteps, slow and deliberate, echo through the library. Panic flares in my chest, and Draco's eyes dart to the door.

"We need to get out of here," he whispers urgently, grabbing my hand and pulling me deeper into the shadows of the library.

We press ourselves against the shelves, the cold, dusty books pressing into my back. I can feel Draco's heartbeat, fast and strong, matching my own. The footsteps grow louder, and I hold my breath, praying we won't be discovered.

The footsteps pause, and for a moment, everything is deathly silent. Then, after what feels like an eternity, they start again, moving away from us. I exhale shakily, and Draco relaxes slightly.

"That was close," I whisper, my voice barely audible.

Draco nods, his eyes still on the door. "Too close. We need to be more careful."

As the danger passes, the reality of what just happened seems to crash over him as Draco pulls away from me. "This...this was a mistake," he says, with a disgustful undertone.

My expression hardens, "A mistake? Is that what you think this is?" I say trying to mask the hurt across my face.

He steps closer, his gaze turning cold. "You're right. It was a mistake. Getting involved with a filthy little Mudblood like you."

The word stings, and I flinch, my eyes widening with hurt. "Draco, why are you saying this?"

I bite my lip, struggling with my emotions.

He scoffs, his hand reaching out to tilt my chin up, forcing me to face him. "Don't kid yourself. This doesn't change anything. You're still beneath me, always will be."

Before I can respond, the sound of the library door creaking open startles us both. Draco lets go of my face and grabs my arm so tight that blood probably stops flowing, his expression turning even more guarded. We retreat further into the shadows as the caretaker, Filch, enters the Restricted Section, his suspicious eyes scanning the room.

"We need to get out of here," Draco whispers again, this time with more urgency.

I nod, my heart racing. Together, we make our way towards the back exit, moving as quietly as possible. The adrenaline pumping through my veins makes every touch, every glance, feel electrifying. As we slip out of the library, I can't help a tear fall out of my eye, but I wipe it quickly before he sees. I will never let him see me like this.

Back in the dimly lit corridors, Draco turns to me, his face twisted with disdain. "I'll see you around, Mudblood."

His words hang in the air, heavy with both promise and threat. As he stalks away, I stand there, trembling with a mix of rage and confusion. The hateful things he said, the way he spat out 'Mudblood' with such venom. I feel the ghost of his touch lingering on my skin, a stark contrast to his harsh words.

Tears of frustration well up in my eyes as I think about how he manipulated the moment, how he pulled me in only to push me away with his prejudice and scorn. I can still feel the heat of his hands on my body, the way he made me feel, and it makes everything worse. The hate I thought I felt for him burns hotter now, but it's tangled with a confusing, undeniable attraction that I can't seem to shake. It feels like a betrayal of myself, of my values, to want someone who sees me as less than human.

I wipe away an angry tear, my heart aching with the unfairness of it all. How can someone be so intoxicating yet so toxic? The encounter leaves me raw and vulnerable, questioning everything I thought I knew about Draco Malfoy and, more disturbingly, about myself.

I consider going back to my ex, Cormac, hoping it might dull the sting of Draco's betrayal. Despite his constant flirtations with other girls, which always made me feel insecure and unimportant, being with him might be a distraction from the turmoil Draco has stirred within me. Cormac's attention, though scattered and often hurtful, used to make me feel desired, even if only temporarily. Maybe rekindling that familiar, and flawed, relationship could help me forget the confusing, painful attraction I feel for Draco. At least with Cormac, I know where I stand, even if it's not where I want to be.

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