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Hermione drags me to Potions, hurrying us through the corridors. If Lavender hadn't taken so long in the shower, singing and being all smitten, we wouldn't be out of breath right now. Ugh, why does Potions have to be on the complete opposite side of Hogwarts? Nervously, we open the door to professor slug horns tired face staring back at us.

"We're so sorry Sir, there were... shower technicalities" Hermione stresses.

"Its alright Granger."

We make our way and sit down at the table next to Harry. I look around, searching for Ron as he usually sits with us, and I spot him next to Lavender, who is playing with his fiery hair. Hermione also notices and she wipes the corner of her left eye and sniffles. She catches me looking at her and says:


I look away and feel eyes burning through me. There the Slytherin prince and his Slytherin princess are sitting across from my table on the opposite side of the room. Pansy is looking down scribbling her notes whilst Draco is glaring at me with hate. The left side of his lip is curved upwards into a snarl and his fists are clenching the potions book. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"And that concludes potions!" Slughorn booms.

With that, Hermione rushes out the classroom and confused Harry chases after her. Guess I'll be going to next lesson alone.

Study of Ancient Runes isn't for another 10 minutes and I really need bathroom but I don't know if I can't be bothered to speed walk to the other side of Hogwarts because then I'd be late for lesson again. Being late once is bad enough.

I start to walk urgently to the abandoned bathrooms. This area is deserted, probably because everyone is creeped out to pee in the presence of Moaning Myrtle. Just as I'm about to turn left into the abandoned girls bathroom I'm pulled into the abandoned boys bathroom instead. My lower back is pushed against the porcelain sink and I can feel the coldness through my uniform. A pale veiny hand puts itself over my lips, the skin somehow colder than the sink. Up close I can see how beautiful Draco really is. I just can't help but acknowledge his striking appearance. His pale, aristocratic features are almost too perfect, framed by platinum blonde hair that always seems impeccably styled, but here is looser, messier. Those piercing grey eyes always so cold and calculating, that seem to see through everything and everyone and even sees through me, look softer, gentler, more vulnerable. Those lips; so finely sculpted, with a natural curve that usually always seems to perpetually hover between a smirk and a sneer, is a soft and enticing pink.

"How long are you going to stare at my lips you filthy little mudblood."

Shit maybe I was staring too long. His hand is still over my mouth and upon noticing it too, he removed his hand so that I can finally speak.

"Well it's not like I can look anywhere else, you know, because you're in MY face, holding ME against this sink." I spit. "Why am I here Malfoy?"

He smirks.

"Wouldn't you like to know Mudblood."

"Well yeah I would since I need to get to Professor Dromgoogle's class soon" I say irritably. "Look- you should keep your escapades to your own space ,the last thing I needed was to walk in on that. Do you have any idea how disgusting that was?"  I whine. 

Draco's expression shifts slightly, a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. "Disgusting, huh? I didn't think you cared so much."

"Care?" I scoff, my voice rising. "I care about MY privacy and not having MY personal space violated by YOUR... activities."

He leans forwards and whispers softly in my ear "Well, I'll make sure to inform Pansy of your complaints. But I can't promise we'll stay out of your way." He leans back, a grin spreading across his face. "Maybe you should knock on the door next time."

"I shouldn't need to knock on the door to MY own dorm! I understand that because you're a privileged prick you seem to think you own everything, but you don't own my dorm and you don't own me!" I protest.

Draco's smirk only deepens as he listens to my tirade. He moves closer and I can smell the mint in his breath and the woody scent of his cologne that smells of sweet green apples and sandalwood. His hands are beside me gripping the sink, I'm trapped between his arms. His grey eyes bore into mine with a predatory gleam.

"You're absolutely right," he murmurs, his voice dangerously low. "I don't own your dorm." "But I do own you," he interrupts, his smirk widening. "In this moment, right here, I own you. I own you, you filthy little mudblood."

His words send a chill down my spine, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I feel frustrated, I feel hate, I feel... really fucking horny. My eyes flick down to his lips and back up again and next thing I know he's delved in to kiss me. The kiss is both fierce and tender, a mix of hunger and no control. His lips are softer than I imagined, moving against mine with a skill that leaves me dizzy and... wet. The initial shock melts away. What the hell am I doing.

My hands feel his chest, and beneath my touch I can feel the firmness of his muscles and the unsteady rhythm of his heartbeat echoing through his body. I push him away with all the strength I can muster. Draco stumbles back, surprise flashing across his features as he tries to regain his balance.

"I hope that I kiss better than my roommate. You can report that back to her too." and with that I exit the bathroom heading to the study of ancient runes leaving him speechless. I don't think I've ever seen Draco at a loss for words before. Good thing I didn't stay any longer to hear his retaliation. The look of his face when I pulled away was priceless. Its just unfortunate that I still need to piss.

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