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"You did WHAT!?" Angelina shrieks after I tell her what happened. "NO WAY!"

"I know," I reply glumly, my eyes fixed on the floor because I just can't face her.

"At least you didn't give in, you know, give in fully..." Angelina says, winking at me.

I look up to face her. "Yeah, thank Merlin I came to my senses when I did."

"I BET he's pissed. I mean, I would be if you left me hanging!" Angelina jokes. "Probably gave the blonde prick blue balls!"

"We didn't kiss for that long. Maybe in our next encounter I will," I joke back.

"Merlin, you better not tell Hermione. I know we're friends with her, but I don't think she'll joke about the situation like we are. I mean, after all, she and Harry are awfully close, and you know how terribly Malfoy treats him," Angelina says.

"Yes, I'm aware of how terribly he treats everyone," I sigh.

"Sooo, how was it? Spare no details!" Angelina squeals.

"His lips were soft... very soft... and he smelled really good, like a forest and green apples," I say, blushing.

"Well, at least we know he uses Vaseline and showers! Anything else?"

"He definitely works out. I could feel his muscles through his shirt," I say smugly.

"So, I guess looking at them in your bedroom when he was doing the nasty with Pansy wasn't enough for you."

"I guess not," I reply with a smile. "I don't know what to do now. How do I react when I see him again?" I question.

"Girl, you have to stay calm and collected. Act the same as you always do—with disgust and hate. This kiss doesn't change anything. He is still the same Draco Malfoy. Don't let his soft lips and chiseled muscles distract you from the fact that he is dating your bitch of a roommate, Pansy, and his father isn't in Azkaban just because he evaded taxes..."

"You're right, good thing nothing like that will ever happen again between Malfoy and I"

"I'm glad, I just want what's best for you girl. And if you ever need to release some...steam.. I'm sure you ex wouldn't oppose."

"Cormac?? Seriously that's your solution to my horniness!! He's nearly no better than Malfoy, I mean he'll flirt with anything that has a pulse! Besides I hear he's keen on Hermione."

"Like Hermione would ever go for a tosser like him, she has standards." Angelina states.

"And what I don't!?" I say with outrage.

"Y/N, you dated and lost your v card to Cormac Mclaggen and now you're kissing Draco Malfoy in the abandoned bathrooms, you don't exactly have the best track record..."

"I suppose not. What is it with me and infamous guys!" I say in defeat.

"At least they're fit." Angelina states

"Yeah, their only redeeming quality." I reply.

We both laugh.

"Uh I have potions tomorrow!" I whine

"Better get that beauty sleep, wouldn't want your dearest Draco to see you with bags under your eyes" Angelina giggles.

I hit her with a pillow and leave to get back to my dorm. How can I face Pansy knowing I kissed her sort-of-boyfriend and why do I actually feel bad. It's not like she felt bad when she slept with Cormac right after we broke up and she saw me bawl my eyes out. Well, I can't exactly avoid her forever.

As I approach the entrance to the dormitory, I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. The common room is dimly lit, with only a few students lingering, engrossed in their own conversations or studies. I nod to a couple of acquaintances and head straight to my room, hoping Pansy might already be asleep.

No such luck. Pansy is there, sprawled on her bed, flipping through a magazine. She looks up as I enter, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Hey," I say, trying to sound casual as I drop my bag on my bed.

"You're back late." she replies, her tone guarded.

I shrug, avoiding her gaze as I start to change into my pajamas. "Yeah, I was with Angelina."

Pansy doesn't say anything for a moment, just watches me with that calculating look she always has. I can feel my guilt bubbling up, but I push it down. I have no reason to feel bad, considering the way she treats me.

"I can't imagine you have anything interesting to talk about, you live a very boring and mundane life Y/N." Pansy huffs.

"Oh because your life is just SO interesting." I say with sarcasm.

"Well I had sex in 3 different places today, the green house, the trophy room and a broom cupboard" Pansy boasts.

"With Draco???" I question.

"Well of course, who else. He's been more... excitable... than usual today" Pansy smirks.

I roll my eyes. I wonder why he's' 'more excitable' than usual, probably bullied some year ones or kicked some animals.

"It's good you had fun, goodnight then." I say.

"Yeah whatever" Pansy replies.

Okay rude. I squeeze my eyes shut, willing myself to drift off, but thoughts of Draco keep intruding.

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