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I stalk through the shadowy corridors of Hogwarts as the flickering torchlight casts eerie shadows on the ancient stone walls, and my footsteps echo in the silence. The only noise is my thoughts, a cacophony of doubts, fears and glimpses of the kiss with Y/N. Fuck, I can't get that mudblood out of my head.

The prank I pulled on Hermione and Y/N was supposed to be just that—a prank. But now, it feels like everything is spiraling out of control. Slughorn's punishment, having to brew the Amortentia potion, is just another distraction I can't afford. My main task looms over me, suffocating me with its urgency and the weight of the Dark Lord's expectations.

I reach the entrance of the Restricted Section of the library, the place where I hope to find the knowledge I desperately need. I need to find a forbidden book of dark objects so I can fix the Vanishing Cabinet, my one hope of completing the mission assigned to me by the Dark Lord, remains stubbornly broken. It is the key to allowing Death Eaters into the heart of Hogwarts, but without the proper knowledge, it is useless. And failure is not an option.

Navigating to the furthest reaches of the library, I arrive at the Restricted Section. With caution, I step over the rope demarcating these tomes from the rest of the library's collection. Raising my lamp, I scan the titles etched on the spines of the ancient books. Somewhere among these volumes is the book that holds the secrets to repairing the ancient, temperamental magic of the cabinet.

I move quickly, fingers brushing over the spines of countless books, their titles obscured by years of neglect. My heart pounds in my chest, a constant reminder of the stakes. Every moment I spend here is a risk, but I have no choice. I need that book.

Finally, my gaze lands on a particularly old and worn volume, its title barely legible: 'Arcane Mechanisms and Enchanted Artifacts.' My pulse quickens. This has to be it. I pull the book from the shelf, a cloud of dust billowing into the air, and flip through its fragile pages with a mixture of reverence and urgency.

Halfway through, I find a chapter titled 'Restoration of Enchanted Conveyances.' The illustrations match the Vanishing Cabinet perfectly. Diagrams detail the complex enchantments and the precise spells needed for repair. My eyes widen as I absorb the information, hope blossoming in my chest for the first time in weeks.

As I copy critical passages onto a scrap of parchment, the creak of the library door echoes through the Restricted Section. I freeze, heart leaping into my throat. I can't afford to be caught now. Not when I'm so close.

Footsteps approach, slow and deliberate. I quickly stuff the book back into its place despite not fully copying everything and extinguish my wand light, pressing myself into the shadows between the towering shelves. The footsteps draw nearer, and I hold my breath, praying to remain unseen.

Through the dim light, I recognise the figure – it's Y/N, her expression a mix of concern and determination. My heart skips for a different reason now. She shouldn't be here, but I'm glad she is. 

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