Remember when we first met

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Leonardo POV

The bustling of the crowded hallway never ceased as I pushed my way through. As I reached my locker I heard a loud slam and a thud of something, or someone, hitting the ground. 

I glanced to my right and saw three footballers surrounding an average height male. His eyes hidden by his long bangs and his mask covering his mouth which was sure to be contoured in pain. 

A small crowd was forming but they were all spectators, pulling out their phones to record this moment of shame for a little dose of the drug we call clout.

The three guys snickered while kicking the already beaten down boy and I couldn't help but feel a small pang of pity in my heart. His tiny whimpers delicately touched my ears and I couldn't look at the sight anymore. 

So I grabbed my books and turned to walk to my class, hoping that I'd be able to forget the tiny laments that he sang silently. 


After a full day of classes, I was more than ready to take a cold shower and sleep without a care in the world. 

I walked down the street, as my house was within walking distance from my skl, and I sighed at the cool breeze that quickly rushed by.

As I was passing, I heard soft sniffles from an alleyway. I tried to ignore it but the familiarity of the small whimpers stirred my curiosity from its sleep. 

I slowly and very cautiously walked into the alley, ensuring that my metal water bottle was on the side of my bag, for some measure of defense. 

The sniffles were then accompanied by some low groans and a soft melodic voice spoke, 

"Shit, this might leave a scar"

Despite the vulgarity of the statement, the voice that spoke captivated me. The depth of the baritone held some softness in it, sweet as honey yet intimidating in a way. My guard was immediately lowered as I got closer to the source of the hypnotic tone. 

When I turned the corner and laid eyes on the culprit, my throat dried. There sat a boy with Asian features, with blond hair long enough to cover his eyes. A straight and pointed nose and pigmented pink lips wrapped around a cancer stick. 

His porcelain like skin gave a soft glow, at least in my eyes, and I couldn't take my eyes off him. The way the blonde strand framed his face, he was like an angel.

To say I was struck by his beauty was an understatement.  

His nonchalant posture as he was Asian squatting and smoking his cigarette and lack of concern for his surroundings made me intrigued. 

The closer I got, the more I was able to make out his bruised features. His lower lip had a cut which was dried, his nose was red and had some dried blood at the very entrance of his nostrils, and on his cheekbones there was some purple and blue coloring suggesting that he had recently been in a fight or that he was beaten up. 

When I got to the point of standing next to him, I saw that he got spooked. Barely noticeable but the slight jump which he had alerted me to the fact that he truly did not notice my presence until I was next to him. 

Slowly he looked up, and all I could remember is being swallowed whole by those baby blue eyes.


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