Chapter Six

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I had always silently hoped that this day would never arrive.

To me, it was always a moment that was far off into the distant future, so far that it was something that would never come to pass. In my comfortable delusion that this day would never come, stealthily, time devised its ambush against me.

I have been consumed with dread of late, praying that it wouldn't come, that something would prevent it. I implored fate to intervene- that I would suddenly fall ill, that my mother would stop me, that Saldowr would miraculously decide that he had had enough of the Crossing and was hence forth calling the whole thing off from now until eternity. Anything- absolutely anything- so long as it meant that I did not have to go on the Crossing of Ingo.

The day has dawned that I must finally answer the Call. There is nothing I can do now to halt it.

In darksome moonwater, I follow the stream of young Mer making their way to the Assembly. Shadows of tailed figures ribbon and meander through the water. Tonight, the waves are alive, twisting in threads of velvety black and deep sapphires. The green glow of the moon casts wavering patterns upon shadow.

I am aware that Merryn and Elestren are up ahead, swimming alongside their parents. Many of the young Mer are doing the same, so that families have time to say their farewells.

Meanwhile, I can feel my own mother's firm grasp on my wrist, urging me onward. I am barely swimming, merely nudging my tail with the faintest of twitches.

My physical body is here, making its way to the Assembly, however my mind wanders elsewhere. I feel as though I were an empty vessel, simply going through the motions. My mind is floating, as if caught upon the rushing tide, carried far far away, beyond all reach. Silently, I long that I was a star in the heavens above, able to watch the world below go by, untroubled. All my worries and fears would be erased.

Mother's hand squeezes my wrist tighter, anchoring me back to the present.

We have fallen far behind the rest. At this rate, I will be the last to arrive.

"Mordowrgi," my mother whispers, taking my hand in hers.

We shall have to make haste, she says, this time opening her thoughts to mine.

I will try, I answer back. I heave my tail forward with laboured effort.

I know you are scared. I was too when it was my time to complete the Crossing.

"You were?" I burst aloud.

The idea of my mother fearing anything doesn't match up to with my image of her. Mother has always been fierce and helped me to find courage when I would not on my own. I could not imagine her scared of anything.

Mother laughs gently.

Yes, I was terrified. All the other Mer my age could not wait for the Crossing, but I dreaded it.

It is a soothing thought, to have to knowledge that I am not alone after all.

Despite my fear, the Crossing changed me. I returned a woman ready to forge my own path in life. I would not be who I am today if I had not found the strength to complete the Crossing. You might be scared now, but I assure you, my little Mordowrgi, all is not as bad as it seems. You shall have the most wonderful adventure and return transformed. I can promise you that all will be well.

Trembling, I take a long, deep breath. I find that the sharp edges of my nerves have been smoothed by my mother's words of assurance.

Wearing a wide smile of encouragement, mother grips my hand tighter and leads me forwards. We rise, just a whisper from the surface where the moonlight dances the brightest. Soon, the Assembly chamber is in sight. The water is deserted, a sure sign that I am the last to arrive. Waves of nerves shoot through me, icy and stinging.

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