Chapter 38: Historia

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(3rd pov-1 year ago)

The 104th had been tasked with undergoing an endurance exercise that forced them to traverse a snowy mountaintop to reach a relay station at the bottom.

Instructor: Nine hours and twelve minutes. Not bad given the conditions.

The recruits sighed in relief and set their gear down before taking a seat around the large bonfire in front of the station.

Eren: I thought we were gonna die out there. Endurance training is something else.

Jean: Anyone else's legs feel frozen?

Conny: Why aren't they letting us inside already? 

They looked up as Reiner jogged over. He seemed to be distressed about something.

Reiner: Hey, have you guys seen Krista?

Mikasa: Not for a while. She was with Daz and he wasn't looking too good. 

Reiner: Well he isn't here and neither is Ymir. 

Marco: They're probably with the last squad. 

Reiner: That's just it. Thomas said he led the last squad and they never saw them. 

Armin: This isn't good. What if they're lost?

Eren: Dammit!

Standing up, Eren was about to walk off but Mikasa grabbed his shoulder.

Mikasa: If you go out there again you'll die.

Eren: I cant just leave them. What'll that make us? How can we call ourselves comrades if we're willing to leave each other behind?

Marco: I agree with Eren. It wouldn't feel right.

Instructor: Attention!

All the cadets looked toward the two instructors as they approached.

Instructor: A blizzard is approaching. We've been made aware of the three recruits who didn't make it back in time. A rescue team will be sent out first thing in the morning.

Eren: They'll have frozen to death by then!

Instructor: And more will die if we try to rescue them now. Get inside the cabin cadets, that is an order!

Suddenly, a harsh gust of wind blew by which only made the fear that Krista, Ymir, and Daz would die even worse. Meanwhile, Krista and Ymir were trudging through the snow as they desperately fought to make it to the camp.

Ymir: Krista. Trying to rescue Daz will only make our demise in this blizzard that much more likely. 

Krista: I don't care.

Ymir: He's got one foot in the grave as it is. Just let him go already. He'll be long gone by the time we get to the bottom and you know it.

Krista: Just because he might die is no reason to leave him behind. If I were in his place, you would risk yourself to make sure I made it.

Ymir was surprised that Krista had used her emotions like that. It was no secret that Ymir held a romantic interest in Krista but to have been called out like that was a kick in the teeth.

Ymir: That's different. Some people aren't cut out to be soldiers.

Krista: I'm not going to give up. If you want to get back faster then leave us. You'll reach the base faster on your own anyway.

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