7 0 0

Caine: Oh no! I'm about to lose it! grunt Get away from me! grunting I don't feel so good... Guys, it's started to taking control over me... grunt Is that the exit door? It is empty. Hello? Can I leave? Oh jeez, this is the last one. Please work. No... There is no escape! AAH!! Let me out of here! AAH!!

Jax: No! Caine!

Pomni: Holy Caine... Stop now!

Caine: I won't let this control me! Get it off! grunt It hurts! I don't wanna end up like this! Help!

Ragatha: But he was alright! sobs

Zooble: Oh, Caine...

Caine: Somebody, please! Help me! Oh lord... It's finally happening... I love you guys. I'm proud of you all. I'm sorry for everything. AAAHH!! And it's over.

Pomni and Jax: Huh?

Caine: And now the main show begins! But what do we have here?

Pomni and Jax: What?

Caine: The last supper!

Everyone: No! Wait!

Pomni: This is the end!

Jax: Caine!

Caine: Nobody can save you now...

Bubble: Hey, stop!

Caine: What's that? Uh oh.

Bubble: Oh, Caine... Look what you've become... sigh I have no other options, friend. I'm so sorry... I love you, buddy.

Caine: No! You can't do this to me! Bubbles! Don't do this!

Bubble: I don't want this evil Caine.

Caine: sigh But you have to do it. I'm ready.

Bubble: I'm so sorry, Caine... I'm sorry!

Caine: grunt Bye. Take care of each other! Remember me!

Bubble: It's over... sobs Caine, I'll miss you

Ragatha: Hey, thank you, Bubbles. sighs

Zooble: You saved us, Bubbles.

Both: We'll miss him.

Jax: We survived...

Pomni: Survived? Yes, at least, that's what Caine wanted.

Jax: Pomni...

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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