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The back of the van doors open a man with the mask flying out onto his back and Jorge pouncing him and throwing punches. "Where is she?"

All of their eyes widened. "Oh shit." Thomas muttered as Brenda and him ran towards him. "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Immediately, the other soldiers advance towards them lifting up their guns at them while the man that had fought Jade signalled for them to stand down. Jade, however, was sat with her legs dangling off the edge, smiling at the chaos in front of her. The man hit her on the back of the head, making her grumble whilst rubbing her head.

Brenda and Thomas rush towards Jorge, trying to get him to stop. "Im right here! Im right here!" Jorge quickly stops, looking at her and standing up. "Why didn't you stop him?!" She asks Jade, who was still sitting there smiling at the beaten up man.

Jade shrugs, "It was fun to watch." The man once again hit her on the back of the head. "What the fuck?"

"Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here." He spoke walking infront of everyone as Jade got pulled out of the van by another man.

Thomas moves towards him slightly, "What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?"

The man stares at Thomas his eyes flickering to Jade for a second before his free hand moves to his mask lifting it up and tossing it to the ground. He raises his eyes making eye contact with Thomas and then Jade. "Hey greenie. Jade nice to see ya."

Jade looked at him her eyes widening realising who it was, "Gally." She muttered softly.

"Gally." Thomas repeated his nostrils flaring.

It was silent for a second and then Thomas launches himself at gally slamming his fist into his jaw causing him to fall onto the floor. Guns were raised at him but Newt quickly ran towards him. "Stop! Stop it!" He grabbed onto Thomas' fists in midair dropping down to his knees next to Gally. Thomas doesnt make eyes contact with him but Newt notices his other hand wrapped around the collar of Gallys under shirt. "Stop."

He pants loudly his lips parted as his chest heaves, the vein popping out in his neck along with the veins in his forehead. He wriggles his wrist but Newt doesnt budge. "He killed Chuck."

"Yeah i know. I remember. I was there too alright but i also remember he was stung and half out of his mind." Newt looked around at the guards that had surrounded them. "Just calm down, alright?"

He stares at Gally for a few minutes before roughly tossing down Gally's shirt and ripping himself from Newts grip, standing to his feet, his jaw still clenched.

Gally stands to his feet rubbing his lower jaw. "Kind of had that coming." He runs his tongue over his bottom lip. "Anybody else? Fry? Newt? Jade for earlier?"

Jade was just staring at him trying to take in how much he had changed. "Do you know this guy?" Jorge asks nodding towards Gally.

"He was an old friend." Fry responded not taking his eyes off him.

"How? How is this possible? We watched you die." Newt said from the side of him.

"No you left me to die." Gally clences his jaw slightly. "And if we hadnt found you when we did, youd be dead right now."

It was silent for a moment until Gally spoke again. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Minho." Newt answers. "Wicked had him here. We're looking for a way in.

Subconsciously Gally looked towards Jade before speaking, "I can help with that." He then starts turning around. "Follow me."

"Im not going anywhere with you." Thomas says glaring at him.

Gally halts in his place making eyes contact with Thomas. "Suit yourself but i can get you through those walls."

It was silent once again for a moment until Jade broke it, "Well i dont know about you lot but im going with him."

She walked towards him away from the van but then stopped hissing in pain and looked down to her wrist that had Wicked engraved into it in silver.

One of the men noticed and forcefully grabbed her wrist, "She's a Wicked soldier." When she tried to pull her wrist back her threw her to the floor and the men all raised there guns at her.

"So its not just Wicked soldiers that love the ground." Jade says through a groan as she pulls herself up. She looks to face the man that just shoved her down. "Look, dick. Im no longer with Wicked and i never really was i was helping the right arm get kids out."

The man looked towards Gally and then the group for comfirmation and they all nodded their heads fast. "Alright stand down." He ordered the men that did as he said before he crouched down next to her. "You step one foot out of line or i think your a traitor i will shoot you."

"Nice to meet you too hunny." She patted his chest smiling. The man glared at her standing up and mumbling, "Disguisting Wicked soldier."

As Jade went to get up another man that was walking after him kicked her in the stomach causing her to groan and fall back to the floor. Jorge went to move towards her but stopped when some of the men aimed their guns at them.

"That was for my wife." She put her thumbs up to him but then another man kicked her in her back making her shoot her eyes closed groaning in even more pain.

"And that was for my child." Jade turned to look at him gritting her teeth from the pain but smiling. "Why dont we all just beat up the former Wicked soldier ay?"

A few men moved towards her and she quickly shot her hands up shaking them, "Woah woah dont take the joke seriously."

Another man crouched down next to her holding his hand out as if to help her up but when she went to grab it he punched her in the jaw making her spit out some blood. "You done now?" Jade said through gritted teeth not even bothering to get up.

"Alright thats enough!" Gally ordered walking over to help her up.

"Couldn't of done that earlier?" Jade asks using Gallys hand to pull her self up. Wincing in pain as she does so.

"We all know you can take a few hits." He motions to the bullet wound on her chest. "Plus they need someone to take their anger out on?" He says slightly more of a question.

"Yeah use Jade as a punching back, so kind." She walked over to the others, all of them checking if she was okay. "Im fine like he said, i can take a few hits."

"So.." Gally said infront of them once again. "The rest of you coming?"

Wicked soldier ☆Minho☆ IIWhere stories live. Discover now