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"Person 1"

"Person 2"

"Person 1"


Takahashi didnt rest and picked up the huge enster corpse, Otto picked up the head and they went forward.

"Should I carry that head? You look" tired..

"No! I can handle it!"

"Alright then.."

Takahashi and Otto walked further and Takahashi started to converse with her core.

"(Aren't you a bit quiet recently?)"

Takahashi asked as the core responds

"(I have been trying to figure out the)"
horn you have, though I haven't gotten much about it.
Anyhow I'll focus myself on this first. I'll tell you when I have a breakthrough

"(Alright. don't push yourself, talk to)" me if you need help.


Takahashi finishes the conversation and continue walking.

Takahashi strikes up a conversation on what Otto knows about the outside world.

"Ah, according to what I've learned in" the lab, they use stuff called money to get food and other stuff to live, we can also sell this enster for money.
How do you not know about this? I thought you studied hard?

"Eh.... Well, I am known for trying to" escape the lab several times. Sooooo, they never taught me about the outside world!

"So it's your fault.."

"Can you blame me?! I wanted to" escape after all!

"Did you plan your escapes atleast?"


Takahashi tries to look away at Otto, Otto deadpans at Takahashi.

Takahashi starts sweating, Otto looks at Takahashi with more disapointment

"I... Didn't... Plan them...."

Takahashi looks towards the ground in embarrassment, Otto just sighs and moves on.

Upon exiting the forest they found the town entrance with people forming a line infront of the gate

A guard was letting people pass the gate

"Pass, nex- w- WHAT THE HELL?!"

"What's wrong guard?

"Yeah Kai? What's wrong?"

"B-behind you"

Kai said as the guards and the other people turned around to see a dead enster being carried by a teenage girl, while the head of the enster was being carried by a literal kid.

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