Festival preparations.

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Days pass as Takahashi lives her days training and interacting with her friends, she has grown closer to Aura and Otto.

The day of the festival arrives as Takahashi wakes up in the morning excited, she hurriedly runs down to Otto's room in the boys dorm.

Takahashi slams open the door frightening Otto and his roommate.


She shouts waking up everyone.

"Takahashi shut up!"

Otto tries to hit Takahashi in the head but Takahashi grabs Otto's arm and drags him with her..

"...Well that just happened.."

His roommate says..

Takahashi quickly runs down the hallways with Otto, They run into Aura who just woke up. It surely gave him some energy, he stops them from running.

"Hey... You can't just break the rules... Learn to respect this building.."

"Sorry! Keiko!"

"Don't call me that here! Anyways.. Otto, were you dragged into this?"

"I was..."

Takahashi waiting for them to finish the conversation as she gets impatient.

"What even caused her to do this?"

"The festival.."

"The festival? Dosent that start in li-"

"Can't wait anymore! Otto let's go!"


Takahashi tries to walk quickly, Aura tries to get her attention but fails...

"Festival here I come!"

Takahashi exits the Military building and goes to the main Street in Acutius to find that people are still preparing..

"What the?! It hasn't started yet?!?"

"That's what i was trying to tell you.. anyways i am going back to get ready... You pulled me out here without even letting me wear my shoes..."

"Oh.. oops.."

"I'll be back later, i haven't even gotten breakfast yet..."

"Gotcha, cya later then."

Takahashi bids farewell to Otto, Takahashi walks around Acutius for awhile looking at the scenery then she spots a familiar face.

"Oh hey! sup Teryl! how have you been doing these past few days?! hopefully you've done good!"

Teryl gets frightened, he barely manages to keep calm and talk to her..

"..You aren't here for revenge are you?"

"Revenge...? nah i don't bear any grudges towards you! it was a fight after all! plus today is the festival so wouldn't wanna ruin the mood right?"

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