13: when we know it's nice to have a friend

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It's a Friday night, just around midnight, when the call comes through

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It's a Friday night, just around midnight, when the call comes through.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey," comes Micah's reply. He doesn't sound too good.

"What's wrong?"

Instead of words, all that comes out is a choked sob. "I don't know."

Ever since we were little, Micah has these moments where he just crashes, and he doesn't know what to do with himself. I wish I knew how to help, but he says just being there is good. That's something I can do.

"Do you need me to come over?"

"Nah, your mom would never allow that. Even if we are best friends. It's too late."

"I think she would."

"It's okay. Thanks though. I think I just needed to hear your voice."

"You know I will always annoy you with my voice if need be."

"You're not annoying! Why do you think I would have stuck around with you this long if you were?"

"Oh, you mean I don't have to hang out with you anymore because you're annoying? I didn't know that."

"Shut up!" He laughs.

"Hey, you just said you like my voice!"

"I miss you." He pauses. "Shit. You weren't supposed to hear me say that out loud."

I don't tell him, but my heart skips a beat. I want to wrap him in my arms, absorb him into my heart, so that we'll never be apart again. That's not something a typical best friend says. I bury the thought as deep as it will go.

"I'll come over first thing in the morning," I change the subject as swiftly as I can. "How about that?"

"Okay. I'll see you then."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah. I'm going to bed soon. You should too."

"It's a Friday night, dude. I'm out at a party!"

"Yeah, okay. Whatever. You're such a liar." We both burst out laughing. It's nice to hear a flicker of joy in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah." I say once I finally regain my composure. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye." The phone call drops, and I drop my phone down next to me. I go to bed looking forward for whatever the weekend has in store, even if my chest is heavier now then it was before.

☆ ☆ ☆

I ride my skateboard to Micah's house the next morning. It's not too early, but early enough that we would have many hours to spend together. I knock on the front door, and am a bit taken aback when his dad answers.

Don't get me wrong, his dad is nice and all, but it's almost always his mom home when I'm there. His dad is always working, I guess.

"Hello, Elliot!"

"Good morning." I feel a sudden surge of awkwardness, something that always comes with the territory of talking to parents. "I'm just... here to see Micah." Of course that's obvious, but I seem to have lost control of my words. They flow out of me like water.

"Come in. Would you like something to eat?"

I follow him into the kitchen, where a pot of coffee has just finished brewing. Mr. Cassidy pours himself a mug, then pours a second one.

"No, thank you. I ate at home." I look down at the countertops, etching the detail into my brain.

Just then, Micah's mom comes down the stairs. Her face lights up when she sees me, and she rushes over to ruffle my hair. "Elliot! What a nice surprise. Micah is just getting dressed, he'll be down in a minute. Make yourself at home."

I thank them and slip into the living room. I am looking at the pictures on the wall for the millionth time when Micah's footsteps echo down the stairs. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees me, and I notice how dead tired he looks.

I wonder how much sleep he got. If he got any at all.

"Hey," I offer.

"Hi," he replies. He runs over to me and has me in a hug before I can even react. I don't mind it.

"Micah, dear, is that you?" His mom asks, walking around the doorway. Her eyes fall on him as he pulls out of our hug. "Good morning, dear. Do you want some pancakes?"

He shakes his head, turns to me. "Would it be alright if me and Elliot went out?"

If she sees how tired he looks, she doesn't mention it. I think I can see concern flicker in her eyes, though. Just for a moment before it's gone and her warm smile returns in full force.

"Oh, yes, alright dear." She wraps her arms around his shoulders and kisses the top of his head. "Be careful, okay?"

"Alright, mom. Bye dad!" He calls. He slings his backpack over his shoulders, and I wave goodbye to his parents, slipping out before I was ever truly there.

He grabs his bike from the side of the house, and we set off. It's a nice day — warm, sunny — and I can tell the fresh air will do us some good. The park is pretty much deserted when we arrive, and Micah sets off running towards the tree will always sit under. He looks like a little kid, breathless and alive.

When I finally catch up to him, he is pulling snacks out of his backpack. He hands me the other headphone, and when I put it in, I register a sad sounding song I don't think I've heard before. I decide not to ask him about it.

"So. You want to talk about it?"

"About what?"

"Last night."

"No." He inhales deeply, holds it, lets it go. "I couldn't find the words."

So instead we sit there, and talk. Instead he tells me how theatre will be starting soon, and he asks me if I'll join him this year. For reasons beyond my control, I hear myself say yes.

The smile that graces his lips is well worth it.

☆ ☆ ☆

a/n : today i had an elliot n micah moment with my friend — we shared a bag of apple slices and later a bag of gummies — so naturally i was reminded of them and wanted to try and get the wheels of their story turning again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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