Chapter 10 - Forbidden Desire

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*Kore (Persephone)*

A serene moment enveloped me as I stood amidst the garden, the gentle rustle of leaves and the soothing murmur of water providing a backdrop to my thoughts. Suddenly, a chill wind swept through the air, prompting me to turn, and there, amidst the tranquil scenery, stood a familiar sight—a chariot parked elegantly in the garden pond.

My heart leaped as Hades stepped down from the chariot, his presence casting aside all traces of anxiety and doubt. Without hesitation, I rushed towards him, propelled by an overwhelming surge of emotion. With a bound, I leaped into his awaiting arms, finding solace and comfort in the strength of his embrace. His touch was firm yet tender, his heartbeat echoing the rhythm of my own.

"You came!" I exclaimed, my voice breaking the silence that had settled between us, the words a testament to the relief and joy that flooded my heart at his presence.

As we stood there in each other's embrace, a sense of calm settled over us, slowly easing the tension that had built between us. I met his gaze, feeling his breath against my skin, and broke the silence with words that hung heavy in the air. "Hera told me you would come, and I have to admit I had doubts."

For a moment, there was only silence, a weighty pause that lingered between us. Hades averted his gaze, his expression unreadable, and my heart fluttered with uncertainty. "Say something, please," I implored, desperate for some sign of his thoughts. Finally, he met my eyes once more, and a hint of hesitation colored his features. "Then how was the party?" he asked, his tone casual yet tinged with a touch of awkwardness.

A soft smile tugged at my lips, realizing that even the mighty god of the underworld could be uncertain in the presence of a woman. With a gentle sigh, I released him from our embrace, realizing the limitations of our surroundings. "Would you care for a story?" I suggested, gesturing towards his chariot, a silent invitation to share a moment away from the constraints of the mortal realm.

Hades listened intently as I recounted the events of the day, from Apollo's unsettling visit to Hera's intervention and his eventual arrival. I didn't hold back, sharing even the uncomfortable details of Apollo's behavior and the unease it stirred within me. As I spoke, I noticed a flicker of concern in Hades' eyes, a silent understanding of the discomfort I had endured.

When I finished, there was a brief moment of silence, the only sound the gentle rustle of the wind through the trees. Then, Hades spoke, his voice soft and filled with empathy. "I... I did not realize how Apollo treats you. I'm sorry you have to go through that," he offered, his words a balm to the wounds left by Apollo's presence.

I felt a weight lift from my shoulders, knowing that Hades understood and acknowledged my feelings. With a grateful smile, I reached out and clasped his hand, feeling a sense of solidarity and warmth in his presence. Despite the challenges we faced, I knew that in Hades, I had found an ally, someone who truly cared for me and respected my feelings.

In the quiet of the moment, his hands gently enveloped mine, his touch grounding and reassuring. "I have something to tell you, "He began, his voice carrying a weight of solemnity. I turned my hands to hold his, eager to hear his words.

"A few days before you came to the underworld, the three fates called for me," he continued, his gaze meeting mine with a sense of gravity. "They spoke of a person—a bringer of death—who would bring me not only joy but warmth." His words hung in the air, heavy with meaning.

"I didn't want to believe them at first," he admitted, his expression softening with vulnerability. "But it would be foolish to ignore the counsel of the fates. And then I met you. At that time, you introduced yourself as Kore, so I failed to realize." His voice trailed off momentarily, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "But when Hera came to visit, she told me the name that the fates had given you. Persephone."

His words echoed in my mind, and a smile tugged at the corners of my lips as he spoke my true name. But as the realization dawned upon me, a wave of emotion washed over me. The bringer of death—the weight of those words settled upon my shoulders, a realization both daunting and profound.

*Aidoneus (Hades)*

Her head resting on my shoulder filled me with a mixture of comfort and trepidation. "So, what are you saying?" she inquired, her voice soft and vulnerable. I could sense her apprehension, her uncertainty hanging in the air like a delicate veil.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for the conversation that lay ahead. "Truth be told," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil churning within me, "I have no idea what your role is in the underworld." The admission hung heavy between us, the weight of uncertainty palpable in the air.

"But I do know," I continued, my gaze meeting hers with sincerity, "that you were meant to be there." The words spilled forth, raw and unfiltered, bearing the weight of truth. I braced myself for her response, knowing that whatever came next would shape the course of our fate.

Her head lifted from my shoulder, and our eyes met, a silent exchange of questions and emotions passing between us. "Are you certain? Can I really live in the underworld?" Her words, soft yet filled with longing, echoed in the quiet space between us.

My heart clenched at the thought of her presence in the underworld, a realm shrouded in darkness yet illuminated by her presence. "You would have to offer sacrifices if you chose to live there," I replied, my voice tinged with both uncertainty and longing. The prospect of her residing in the underworld filled me with a mixture of hope and apprehension, knowing the sacrifices that such a decision would entail.

Her reaction to the mention of "sacrifices" was palpable, her expression shifting with a mixture of surprise and concern. But before she could voice her thoughts, I reassured her, my touch gentle as I cupped her face, seeking solace in the connection between us. Her face, soft beneath my touch, held a myriad of emotions that mirrored my own.

As darkness began to seep into the air, a reminder of my duty and responsibility as the ruler of the underworld, I felt a pang of reluctance to leave her side. "I have to go," I murmured, my voice heavy with regret as I reluctantly withdrew my hand.

Her expression shifted to one of longing as the reality of my departure sank in. "Already?" she whispered, her voice tinged with disappointment. I saw her gasp as I revealed my hand, the telltale sign of the underworld's pull on me. "One of the sacrifices of the underworld. I can't stay away for very long," I explained, the weight of duty evident in my tone.

To my astonishment, she seized my hand, enveloped in the darkness that cloaked my realm. "Take me with you," she pleaded, her voice saturated with longing and determination. Her touch sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me that I struggled to contain. "I can't do that," I whispered, my voice strained with the weight of our circumstances, yet my heart yearned to grant her wish. "Why not? You said it yourself; I am meant to be there... with you," she persisted, her gaze piercing through the shadows that surrounded us. Unable to resist any longer, I yielded to the pull of her desire, drawing her close as our lips met in a fervent kiss. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, and all I could feel was the intensity of our connection, the depth of our longing intertwined in the embrace of our lips. But as the chill of the underworld enveloped us, I pulled away, my heart pounding with fear and uncertainty.

What have I done?

(End of Part 1)

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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