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Ghost crossed his arms, his voice cutting through the silence. "We need to be vigilant and keep our eyes peeled for any signs of the Shadows. They could be anywhere by now." 

Nods went around the room, everyone in agreement with Ghost's assessment. But the situation was still dire, and the pressure to bring the Shadows to justice hung heavy in the air.

Gaz looked irritated almost angry to soap and ghost "why the fuck did you even left those shadows unguarded? We don't know what they're capable of and their superior is also a secret."

Ghost's eyes flashed, a flicker of irritation crossing his face at Gaz's question.
But before he could respond, Price interjected, his voice firm. "Now's not the time for blame. We need to focus on tracking down the escaped Shadows and neutralizing any threats they pose."
Ghost's face hardened, his jaw tightening. He knew Price was right. We couldn't afford to waste time on finger-pointing. We had a mission to complete.

The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of the situation settling back in as Gaz backed down, his frustration still palpable but contained for now. 

"Ghost," Price said, his gaze fixed on the masked man. "What's the plan to track them down? We need a strategy, and quick." 

Ghost nodded, his mind already churning through possibilities. "We'll need to reach out to our contacts, see if anyone has spotted anything suspicious. They couldn't have gotten far, and we'll need all the intel we can get to narrow down their location."

The rest of the team nodded in agreement. As Ghost continued to strategize, my eyes found his again, a silent message passing between us. Despite the situation, a flicker of our connection remained, a reminder of the moment we shared just a short while ago.

I sighed trying to light the mood "well, let's atleast enjoy the rest of our night and find them tomorrow morning, I'm too drunk to even shoot a shot in the right direction.." I looked on my left side and saw the man from earlier and looked at my team "that's why my shot is now on the left" and I walked off

The team members chuckled softly at my joke, trying to find a sliver of humor in the tense situation. Price couldn't help but shake his head slightly at my attempt to lighten the mood, but there was a faint smile on his face. 

"Just don't do anything stupid," he said, his voice tinged with both concern and amusement. "But enjoy the night."

I grinned and gave him a sloppy salute, acknowledging the directive to stay safe and within bounds of reason. "Roger that, Captain," I replied, my words slightly slurred due to the effects of the alcohol. 

With a final nod to the team, I walked off toward the dance floor, my focus shifting from the mission to the music and the promise of a night of release and enjoyment.

I walked towards the man I danced with earlier and had a drink with "you know how long it took me to find you"

The man's eyes lit up as he spotted me, a smile spreading across his handsome features.
He leaned toward me, his voice a low murmur, "Not too long apparently."  His eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and intrigue.

I couldn't help but feel a small flutter within me at his words, my mind briefly flickering back to the passionate moment I'd shared with Ghost not too long ago. Despite it all, though, a part of me couldn't resist the allure of a fun night and flirty banter. 

With a slightly playful tone, I replied, "Well, I guess my determination knows no bounds when it comes to tracking down good company." I gestured to the dance floor, a silent invitation.

The man chuckled, a sound that was both charming and enchanting. "In that case, I'm honored to be the subject of your determination." He stepped closer, his body close enough that I could feel the warmth radiating off him. His eyes met mine, a hint of desire simmering beneath the surface. "Lead the way."
With a smirk, I grabbed his hand and led him onto the dance floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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