~chapter -4~

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It had been a few days since Akira met the stranger, and she couldn't help but think about how concerned he had been about her upsetness. She was feeling bored and restless, so she decided to paint something - she was good at it, but her mind kept wandering. Every time she closed her eyes to think, the stranger's face popped up, distracting her.

Finally, she gave up and headed outside, weather was so beautiful today. enjoying the peaceful weather.
Her body relaxed, she was feeling good and smiling while looking her surrounding.

As she walked, she caught a whiff of her favorite food, and her mouth began to water. Excited, she followed the aroma and found herself in front of a food cart. She was shocked to see her favourite momos. She felt so hungry suddenly. She was deciding where to start when she heard a familiar voice behind her.


Akira turned, and her eyes met the strange stranger. She froze. He looked even more handsome in the daylight, his smile radiant and his eyes sparkling. She felt a flutter in her chest, and her mind went blank.

"Hi," she managed to stammer, her voice barely above a whisper.

The stranger's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled, and Akira felt her heart skip a beat. She couldn't believe the coincidence - what were the chances of running into him again? And here, of all places, in front of her favorite food cart.

"How are you?" he said with smile , his voice low and smooth.

"Uh..good, Thanks for asking" she said with little smile, she don't want to sound rude.

Avyakta nodded, trying to make conversation. "So, I think you like momos ?"

Akira replied, "hmm."

"Mind if I buy this for you?" Avyakta offered, his eyes sparkling with kindness.

Akira hesitated, unsure if she should accept food from a stranger. But Avyakta's sad face made her relent. "Okay," she said finally.

Avyakta beamed, buying two plates of momos - one for her and one for himself. They sat at a small table, and Akira couldn't help but wonder why a rich man like him would choose to eat at a humble food cart. And why was he eating with her, of all people?

As they began to eat, Akira asked, "You... um... like this kind of food?"

Avyakta nodded, his eyes closed in appreciation. "I love it. There's something about the simplicity and authenticity of street food that I find really appealing."

Akira raised an eyebrow. "But... you're... um... rich, right?"

Avyakta chuckled. "Guilty as charged. But wealth doesn't define my taste buds, thankfully."

Akira smiled, feeling a little more at ease. Maybe this stranger wasn't so strange after all.

Akira's cheeks flushed, and she looked away, trying to compose herself.

~avyakta's pov~

Avyakta was still reeling from the day's events. His girlfriend's cheated on him. He didn't love her but thinking of betrayal made him so angry. betrayal had left him seething with anger and hurt.

He was driving recklessly, trying to clear his head, when he spotted a familiar figure . It was the same girl he had seen a few days ago.

She was looking preety. And her brown skin was glowing.
her hair now flowing in the wind. He felt an inexplicable urge to touch it, just as he had before.

As he watched her, he noticed she was smiling, and his scowl softened. She looked radiant, her eyes sparkling with joy. He found himself smiling too, without even realizing it.

He followed her at a distance, not wanting to startle her, and stopped when she stopped at a food cart. The aroma of momos wafted through the air, making his mouth water.

" I think she loves momos" he chuckled thinking it.

Seizing the opportunity, he approached her, his eyes fixed on her face. He caught a whiff of her fragrance, sweet and alluring, and his heart skipped a beat. After a moment's , he spoke, his voice low and gentle.


The sound of his own voice broke the spell, and he felt a flutter in his chest. What was he doing, following a stranger like this? But there was something about her that drew him in, something that made him want to know her better.
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                    ~Author note~

"  You know what happened, today  I don't know why I said this to one of my friend, (I can't say her name). that "I am writing a book". You know what she said, no one is going to read your book not even one person. Reading is far no one is going to see your book. I did not said anything. I pretend that it doesn't effect me but it does. I wanted her to support me and say, something like " oh wow!!,  humko bhejna na  hum bhi padhenge". But koi na.👍 👍 I will show her. She thinks I am dumb like her😊. So, basically I am going to take this as a motivation🙌👊

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