~chapter- 5~

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When Avyakta said "Hi" to Akira, she turned to face him, and he noticed her expression had changed. The radiant smile she had been wearing just moments before was now gone, replaced by a more guarded look. He felt a pang of disappointment and frowned, wondering if she was unhappy to see him or simply didn't want to engage with him.

But then she replied, her voice soft and gentle, "Hi." Avyakta's heart skipped a beat as he relaxed, feeling a sense of happiness wash over him. She remembered him! He hadn't been sure if she would, but the fact that she did brought a smile back to his face.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts, and asked "how are you?"

He watched her face, hoping to see a glimmer of recognition, a hint of warmth. And as she nodded, and said "uhh.. good" , a small smile playing on her lips, he felt his heart soar. Though that was so short response, but stil he was okay with that. He was thinking maybe, just maybe, this chance encounter would lead to something more.

As he waited, Akira to respond to his offer, Avyakta couldn't help but notice the way she hesitated. He saw the wariness in her eyes, the uncertainty. He knew he was a stranger, and she had every right to be cautious.

But he wanted to show her that he meant no harm, that he was genuinely interested in getting to know her.

When she finally agreed, he felt a surge of excitement. He ordered the momos and waited for them to be prepared, his eyes drifting back to Akira every now and then. He noticed the way she fidgeted with her hands, the way her eyes darted around the food cart. She was nervous, and he found himself wanting to put her at ease.

As they sat down to eat, Avyakta felt a sense of anticipation. He wanted to break down the barriers between them, to find common ground. He took a bite of the momo, savoring the flavors and textures.

When Akira asked him if he liked this kind of food, Avyakta hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yeah, I love it." It wasn't entirely the truth - as a gymnast, he usually avoided unhealthy food, opting for a strict diet to maintain his physique. But in that moment, he wanted to connect with Akira, to share in her enthusiasm, and so he fibbed a little.

As soon as the words left his lips, he felt a pang of guilt, but it was quickly replaced by a warm feeling when Akira smiled, her eyes lighting up with delight. "I'm so glad you like it!" she exclaimed, and Avyakta felt a surge of happiness, knowing he was the reason for her joy.

And when her second question was that "how can you eat this, you are rich". It was so funny for him, he wanted to laugh so badly. But decided to response as a good gentleman.

"Wealth doesn't difine me". And after hearing this she smiled and be liked it more.

And then he realised we didn't introduced ourselves, yet. And then he turned to face her and asked," what is your name?".

Akira stopped eating and replyed," um.. my name is akira."

And then she asked his name.

Then avyakta replyed" I am avyakta Khanna, and I am the owner of this _____ company.

Listening this akira nodded, not interested knowing his company.

When he noticed she is  smiling, while eating and  talking to him, in that moment, he realized that he wanted to be the reason for her smiles more often, to be the one who made her happy. And as they continued talking, sharing stories and laughter over their momos, Avyakta knew he was in trouble - he was falling for this beautiful, vibrant girl, and he couldn't wait to see where this newfound connection would lead.

End of avyakta pov's....

After they finished their momos, Avyakta offered, "I'll walk you home, if you'd like." He waited for her response, hoping she would agree. Akira hesitated for a moment, looking at him with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. Then, seeming to make up her mind, she nodded. "Okay, thanks."

Avyakta's heart skipped a beat as he smiled, relieved and happy that she trusted him enough to accept his offer.

As they walked side by side, he asked her more questions, learning about her love for art, her passion for music, and her dreams for the future. Akira, in turn, found herself feeling comfortable and at ease with Avyakta, enjoying his company and appreciating his genuine interest in getting to know her.

As they strolled, she thought to herself, "Akira, you can trust him. He's kind, and he's been sweet to you. And he even bought you your favorite food! He seems trustworthy." With that thought, she felt a sense of reassurance, and her hesitation began to fade away, replaced by a growing sense of connection and friendship.

As they reached her home, Avyakta asked, "You live here?" Akira responded with a gentle "hmm" and then surprised him by saying, "You can come in, if you want." Avyakta's heart raced as he hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should accept her offer. But his curiosity and desire to spend more time with her won out, and he agreed, following her inside.

As they entered her home, Akira noticed Avyakta looking around, taking in the cozy atmosphere and vibrant decorations. She smiled, pleased that he seemed to appreciate the vibe of her house, which was a reflection of her artistic personality. The walls were adorned with her paintings, and the shelves were filled with books, musical instruments, and eclectic trinkets.

Avyakta's eyes widened as he spotted her art studio in the corner, filled with canvases, paints, and half-finished projects. "You're an artist?" he asked, his voice filled with excitement. Akira nodded, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her creative energy. As they sat down on the couch, surrounded by her art and music, Avyakta felt like he had entered a new world, one that was full of color, beauty, and inspiration.

As Avyakta spent more time with Akira, he began to notice that she seemed happy and carefree on the surface, but her eyes hinted at a deeper pain. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he sensed that she was hiding something.

Just then, a woman and two men - one older and one younger - entered the room, their faces filled with curiosity as they took in Avyakta's presence. Akira introduced them as her parents and her little brother, Max. Avyakta's eyes lit up as he greeted them with a warm smile, and they responded in kind.

As Akira explained how they had met at the beach, Avyakta's gaze remained on her, captivated by her radiant smile.

When she introduced Max as her "superhero," Avyakta's eyes sparkled with amusement. He turned to Max and said, "Hi, Superhero! How are you?"

Max puffed out his chest, looking proud, and declared, "I'm fine! I'm saving the world from bad guys!" Avyakta chuckled at the little boy's imaginative response, and Max continued, "I have superpowers, you know! I can fly and run fast!"

Avyakta played along, asking, "Wow, that's amazing! What's your superhero name?" Max thought for a moment before declaring, "I'm Maximo, the greatest superhero ever!" Avyakta and the others couldn't help but laugh at the little boy's antics, and the tension in the room dissipated.

Max's eyes sparkled with excitement as he grabbed Avyakta's hand, pulling him towards his room. "Come see my superhero collection! I have so many cool toys and costumes!" Avyakta hesitated, unsure if it was appropriate to enter the little boy's room without permission.

He looked at Akira, seeking guidance, and she smiled, nodding her head. "It's okay, Avyakta. Max loves showing off his collection. Go ahead, he'll be thrilled to share it with you."

Avyakta smiled, relieved, and allowed Max to lead him to his room. As they entered, he was struck by the array of superhero posters, toys, and costumes that filled the space. Max eagerly began showing off his favorite items, chattering excitedly about each one.

Avyakta listened attentively, asking questions and making impressed noises, which only added to Max's enthusiasm. As they explored the room together, Avyakta couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and wonder, seeing the world through the eyes of this little superhero-in-training.
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