Prologue/Egg Finding

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The Digital World.

A world that came into being along with the creation of the internet. Within moments of its creation, the world expanded into multiple different variants of itself. Within moments a form of life was created within this world that soon populated every inch of it. 

Digimon. Digital Monsters.

These strange creatures are born within the Digital World and die within the Digital World. It is their birthplace and where they call home. However, the Digital World is not one singular place. Because its creation is tied to the advent of the internet, the Digital World has expanded far beyond its home universe. It has split into multiple servers that are entire worlds in of themselves. Some of which are so different from the main server, that they could theoretically exist long after the main server goes down. 

This has led to many Digital Worlds that are completely different from each other. Their histories, the Digimon who live there, the fundamental laws of their worlds. All these and more can be totally distinctive when compared to even the main server. And it is one of these worlds that happens to find itself drifting through the multiverse. While many of this world’s fundamental laws are the same as the main universe, it has deviated enough that it can survive without its connection to the main server. And, unbeknownst to the main server, that is a very fortunate thing. 

For this Digital World is facing a time of strife.

A battle between good and evil rages within this Digital World. Forces of the Dark Area, a place filled with the worst Digimon the world has to offer, seek to destroy this server before moving on to another to do the same there. The forces arrayed against these evil Digimon have managed to keep them in check, both sides having their own powerful warriors that can cause immense damage to the other. If nothing changed, then perhaps this would remain the status quo for years to come.

However, something did change.

As it drifted away from the main server, this Digital World soon stopped just above a different world. One far, far away from their origin point. A land that filled with magic and wonder. One that had technological advancements, but hadn’t even grasped the concept of the internet.

A world...filled with magical, small equines. 

It didn’t take long for the Digital World to establish a secret connection with this one. The world’s low technology level allowed for multiple invisible pathways to attach themselves to various places in the world. And, within a few days, the Dark Area Digimon immediately made plans to invade this new world. Believe that their primitive technology and weak magical prowess would make them easy pickings for their dread armies. However, the Digimon who opposed them discovered this plan before it was enacted. 

In order to thwart their dastardly schemes, the leader of the good aligned Digimon, Yggdrasil, gathered together numerous unhatched Digi-Eggs. With the blessing of the guardian of the Digital World, they were sent through various Digital Gates and into the world below. With them went the hope that they would find locals who would take them in and care for them. Those who did would become their Partners.

And, through their Bonds of Friendship and Love, would become this world’s greatest protectors.

Thus this new story nine Digi-Eggs arrived at the edge of the Everfree Forest. Just outside a certain yellow mare’s house in Ponyville.


“Oh my,” Fluttershy’s soft voice could barely be heard above the sound of the wind rustling the trees around her home. The mare’s yellow fur and pink mane and tail stood out in the dark of the night. She idly flapped her wings as she leaned her head down to get a better look at the strange sight she found in the middle of the night.  Luna’s moon shined down from above, covering the land in its soft light.

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