Morning Digimon

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"Aaanndd there," Fluttershy said as she finished placing the last of the eggs within the makeshift bed she had made from pillows and straw. The eight remaining eggs all sat in silence as Fluttershy nudged and adjusted their position in the bed. After a few moments, she stepped away from the bed and looked over her shoulder at her passenger, "Would you mind passing me the, um, the cover, little guy?"

The strange creature nodded while hopping off Fluttershy's back. It hopped over to the side of Fluttershy's bed, then grabbed one of the covers with its mouth. Fluttershy while walking over to help it with the covers. The two worked together to put the cover over the seven eggs. Fluttershy made sure to tuck them in while her new friend watched her work with wide and curious eyes. Once she was done, the mare turned to her new friend and knelt down to be at his level, "There. Now they're all nice and cozy. You ready to, um, go get something to eat?"

"Puu~!" the creature smiled as its stomach started to growl. Fluttershy giggled before picking it up and placing it on her back. She walked out of her room and headed downstairs.

"Oh, I just realized. I haven't asked your name yet," she looked over at the strange creature as she spoke, "Do you know what it is?"

"Puttimon!" the creature said, its name being the first full word its said to Fluttershy.

"Oh, well, that's, um, a wonderful name," Fluttershy's lips curled into a small smile, "M-My name's Fluttershy. It's good to meet you, uh, Puttimon."

"Puu~!" it flapped its wings with happiness as the two made it to Fluttershy's kitchen. She placed Puttimon down on the table while she looked for something to give it. She wasn't sure what a "Puttimon" would eat. So...

"Um, what do you like to eat?" she asked, while looking through her supplies, "I've got carrots, hay, lettuce, soup, honey..."

Puttimon nodded its head-body, drool leaking from the side of its mouth, "Puu~!"

"Oh my. Does it all sound good to you?"

"Puu~!" another nod of the head-body.

"Hmm, alright. Lets try...carrots and lettuce then," she pulled out the aforementioned vegetables and put three carrots and some lettuce leaves on a plate for Puttimon. She grabbed the plate in her hooves then put it on the table, "There you are. Eat as much as you want, al-"

Before Fluttershy could finish, Puttimon had already dived into the offered plate of food. It quickly grabbed all the carrots in its mouth before rapidly chewing them up. Surprisingly, not a single crumb of food was scattered as it devoured the food. The lettuce was similarly eaten, with it either swallowing the food whole or chewing it up with its teeth. At least, Fluttershy assumed it had teeth. She couldn't really see from where she was standing. But soon enough the plate was empty and, literally, licked clean by the strange creature. It hopped up and down while making sounds that Fluttershy took for thankfulness.

"Wow, you, um, really were hungry. And you're welcome," she grabbed the plate and put it near her sink while watching Puttimon's reaction. The creature was smiling but soon started to teeter back and forth. Its mouth opened wide as it yawned, its eyelids becoming heavy. Fluttershy moved to rub where she figured the creature's forehead was, "Aww. Are you feeling sleepy?"

"Puu...," its voice was sluggish and it leaned itself against Fluttershy's hoof. It seemed to be having trouble staying awake. With another giggle, Fluttershy picked it up and placed it onto her back again.

She spoke to it as she made her way back to her room, "It is pretty late. I'll need to make you your own bed in the morning. For now, you can sleep with me in my bed. Would you, um, like that?"

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