VS Gazimon

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The Digimon V-mon headbutted's mouth flew open as the air was driven from its lungs. The momentum carried both of them out of the open entrance of Sugarcube Corner. The two became a rolling ball of violence as they left the building. Ponies walking down the streets of Ponyville stopped to stare at the blue and gray ball as the Digimon came to a halt a few feet from the stairs. V-mon ended up on top of the other Digimon and immediately moved to take advantage. He straddled his foe and lifted a fist up, "Gotcha! Get ready for a beating ya overgrown mutt!"

He launched his fist toward the other Digimon's head, but it managed to lift both of its arms up and block the strike. Then it used the brief moment of respite to lift its legs and kick out at V-mon's stomach. V-mon went tumbling off but quickly rolled back to his feet. The Digimon pushed itself up and glared at V-mon, "Urk, what's another Digimon doing here?! This place was supposed to be completely undefended!"

"Looks like you thought wrong. And you're gonna pay the price for it," V-mon slammed his fists together to intimidate his foe. In truth, he had no clue what the Digimon was talking about. But he wasn't going to let the chance to freak him out pass him by.

The Digimon growled and struck its claws together. The sound made the ponies still outside scream in panic. They ran into their homes and closed their doors, leaving the town deserted in a matter of seconds. The Digimon chuckled, "Don't be so cocky, fool! You may have caught me off guard, but now you have isolated yourself from your allies! My fellow Gazimon will soon be here, and then you'll see that quantity-"

The Gazimon was cut short as multiple pained yells rang out from inside Sugarcube Corner. Soon, the four other Gazimon came flying out the door. They all landed on either side of the lead Gazimon, groaning in pain as they got to their feet. Loogamon stepped outside behind V-mon. He looked over his shoulder and shouted, "Please forgive me for what happened to the door, Mr. and Mrs. Cake! I promise to help repair it once this is over!"

He then bounded toward V-mon, stopping at the blue Digimon's right side with his fangs bared at the Gazimon. Lopmon X followed him, using his ears to hover out the door. He was Dracomon X soon followed, carrying Ampurley on his back. Dracomon X landed on the left side of V-mon, Ampurley jumping off his back and onto the ground. Both glared at the Gazimon, Ampurley pawing at the ground while threatening sparks emerged from Bab's mouth. Lopmon X landed on the other side of Loogamon, crossing his arms while curling his ears into makeshift fists.

"You were saying?" V-mon's lips curled into a smug smile.

"They were stronger than we thought, leader. The Lopmon grabbed two of us with its ears and threw us out. Then that damn Loogamon and Dracomon rammed the last of us," one of the Gazimon said while getting to his feet.

The leader scowled but held its claws at the ready, "It doesn't matter! We're still more than a match for all of you. Prepare to fall to the might of the Dark Area!"

The five Gazimon lined up across from the five of them. Tensions rose as glares and intimidating gestures were exchanged among them, all preparing for battle. They all took runner stances and prepared to kick off to begin the fight. V-mon, Lopmon X, Dracomon X, Loogamon, and Ampurley all charged at the Gazimon-


- And then stumbled as Twilight's scream cut through the tension in the air. Cornelius nearly tripped over his own feet but managed to stay upright by using his ears to stabilize himself. Loogamon skidded to a halt, while Dracomon X fell on his face as he tried to stop. Ampurley stopped on a dime, while V-mon to windmilled his arms to prevent himself from falling over. They all turned around to see what had happened. Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all came rushing out the door. Twilight was at the back of the pack and stopped just outside the destroyed door. Her horn glowed a bright purple as the pieces of the door floated back into place, held in a similarly colored field of magic. They were rejoined into their original form and, a second later, they were returned to normal. As if it hadn't been knocked off its hinges in the first place.

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