The Princess Visits

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As a new dawn crested upon the small town of Ponyville, everything was looking to be another normal day for the inhabitants. Ponies walked outside, ready to go about their everyday business without a care in the world. However, anypony who was looking up at the skies above Ponyville would realize that today wouldn't be completely normal. As the small average town right next to the Everfree Forest had recently received a few above average guests. And it was about to play host to another one.

Princess Celestia looked over the side of her chariot as the pegasi guards continued to pull it toward their destination. She clearly see Ponyville through the clouds as they approached and couldn't help but feel her heart sing at the sight. The peaceful, harmonious town with all of her little ponies enjoying their wonderful lives. Along with this came a feeling of relief. After what happened with the Elements Of Harmony yesterday, she was worried that trouble had descended upon her student's new home. The letter said student had scent her an hour or so after that event didn't ease her worries any either.

Digimon? Gazimon? Eggs hatching into "Digital Monsters"? Small brown rabbits evolving into two legged wizards?

She would never consider the idea that Twilight would lie or exaggerated in one of her letters. But even she found some of the things in the letter hard to believe. She had seen many, many, many strange things in her long existence as Equestria's Princess. And she could not think of a single instance of any creature like these "Digimon" Twilight wrote about. The closest comparison she could find was Discord. Their evolutions certainly seemed rather chaotic. What other word could you use describe a little pink pig, evolving into a pink bunny with a scarf, which then evolves into a walking strawberry shortcake?

But even he didn't create entirely new monsters when she and Luna had faced him. She wasn't sure he could. And she thanked her lucky stars for that. Though perhaps it would've been better if he had made that one hostile Digimon Twilight mentioned in her letter.

Celestia focused her gaze on the boundary between Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. There she saw three earth ponies quickly filling in a pit to the east of the town. It didn't take them long to finish and soon any hints of something having been there were completely gone. She let out a small sigh at the sight. It was good to see that the damage done by those Gazimon had been repaired. And that the "MadLeomon" the last one had turned into hadn't managed to hurt any pony. All thanks to the Digimon that helped Twilight and her friends.

She was certainly looking forward to meeting those "Digimon". Twilight had made them sound so pleasant.

Either way, all these events happening only a few hours apart confirmed that this was no coincidence. Whatever happened to the Elements Of Harmony had to connect back to these "Digimon" somehow. Considering this was only a day or so after her sister was healed, she couldn't simply ignore this event. She had to see the truth with her own two eyes. While it might make the nobles in Canterlot a bit upset with her, they could stand to sit on their concerns a bit longer. She would get to them in due time. Besides, this shouldn't take too long. Just a simple visit and-

"...Hmm?" she raised one of her eyebrows as her chariot dived below the cloud cover. As they did, she swore she could feel a large amount of magical power gathered in one area. Enough that, if she didn't know better, she would've mistaken for a particularly prodigal unicorn. Or perhaps a pack of timberwolves all gathered in one place. But it felt...different from either of those. Wild, yet controlled. A strange combination for sure. And one that piqued her interest enough to look for it. Glancing over the right side of her chariot, she found her gaze falling upon the familiar Apple Trees of Sweet Apple Acres. Specifically near the left side of the farm where their barn sat. Which was where she saw...

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