Digivolve To Champions

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Cupimon's shriek was the only reason none of the ponies or Digimon got hit by MadLeomon's claws. The ponies scrambled or dashed out of the attack, while the Digimon jumped out of the way. However, even though none of them took a direct hit from the Champion, the force of it hitting the earth was enough to send them flying. Grass and dust went everywhere as the attack landed. Cupimon hit the ground next to Ampurley, both rolling to their feet and checking on their respective Partners. Rarity had landed somewhere to Ampurley's left and tried to get up, only for Fluttershy to land on her. The yellow pegasus looked down then quickly flew off the white unicorn. She spoke quietly while helping Rarity to her hooves, "I'm so sorry, Rarity. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, dearie. Just a bit of damaged pride," Rarity looked at her now dirty coat and mane with a grimace, but quieted any complaints she had.

"Is everypony alright?" Twilight said, getting up from the ground and looking around to survey the damages. Cornelius was by her side, shaking his head to get his bearings back.

"We're fine over here," Loogamon said, the wolf carefully holding Cutemon in his jaws by her scarf, while using one of his claws to keep AJ's hat from flying off. He gently placed the pink rabbit down before bringing the fallen AJ her hat. The cowgirl mare thanked him while putting the hat back on her head. Cutemon panicked for a bit while looking for Pinkie, until she found the pink pony laying flat on the ground nearby. She went over and helped pull the mare up...along with her puffed up mane. It remained a mess until Pinkie shook her head back and forth, returning it to its original status.

As Cutemon let out a relieved sigh, Rainbow Dash and Babs both flapped their way into view. Rainbow held V-mon under his arms, keeping the light blue Digimon in the air as she flapped. She looked down at her Digimon and said, "Huh, you're surprisingly light, Squirt. I thought you'd be heavier."

"Uh, I don't think you should really be thinking about that now!" Spike popped up from Bab's back, his claws holding onto the pointed scales sticking out of Bab's back. His panicked eyes were focused on MadLeomon. Said Digimon pulled its claws from the earth, leaving behind purple pools of poison that ate through the ground at a rapid pace. Spike audibly swallowed and his body shook as he stared at the Champion Digimon, "Th-Th-That doesn't look good!"

"I. Protect. Spike," Babs stated, flames gathering in his maw as he prepared to attack MadLeomon. However, before he could fire, Spike grabbed his maw and held it closed.

"No! Don't!" Spike shouted, surprising Babs enough that the Dracomon X nearly fell out of the sky. He regained his balance and continued to hover in the air while staring at Spike with shock. Before either of them could say anything, MadLeomon roared again as it prepared to charge at its foes.

"Everypony, run!" Twilight shouted, already turning to run away from the towering Digimon. No pony argued as they all turned and ran from the large purple lion coming straight for them. Their Digimon joined them, moving right alongside them or being carried by the ponies. Twilight still carried the eggs with her magic, holding them above her head as her group ran away. The MadLeomon wasted no time bounding after the, eating up the distance in seconds.

Cornelius shouted while running on all fours away from MadLeomon, "Move around the outside of Ponyville! If the Gazimon's pits are still around, then we might be able to use them against him! Rainbow Dash! Try to get his attention and lead him away from Ponyville and towards some of those pits!"

"On it! Squirt, think you can get him to look at us?" Rainbow Dash said as she banked around Babs with V-mon still held in her hooves.

"You bet, RD!" V-mon shouted while pursing his lips together. As the two flew toward MadLeomon, V-mon opened his mouth and launched multiple small, blue energy blasts at the Champion, "[i]Vee Shot!"[/i]

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