6: Mr. and Mrs. Meyers

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"Alright class, your homework is from pages 156 to 168 until next week!" the teacher shouted across the classroom, and the entire room groaned like a badly tuned choir. The teacher was more specifically Thea's Algebra II teacher, he was also her last teacher of the day so she quickly gathered her things and headed for the door. Once she was out, she went to her locker and put away a few books, Thea grabbed the note and held it tightly in her hand before she closed the locker while she took a deep breath. Time to pay a visit to the school's most popular, evil and arrogant kid. Thea walked outside the school and quickly hailed a taxi before anyone couldsee her, particulaly Jackson & Co. Thea showed the old taxi driver the post-it note before she buckled up. With a light nod the taxi driver started the car. Thea looked out the window and without noticing it she started to drum her fingers against her lap. The taxi drove through the busy parts of the city, and they constantly stopped for traffic. By now they were standing still more than moving. Thea put her mind off things by people watching and she couldn't help but to think, everyone walking on the street, riding their bikes, driving their cars all seem to have a place to be, a goal. And every single one seems to have their life together, with a few exceptions but they all look so... serious. Like the joy of their lives got sucked out when they finally realized they were adults, and had many responsibilities... but maybe they all just look like they are in a bad mood because of the weather. There are some dark scary clouds in the sky after all. Thea continued to watch the city float by, and soon it was like a giant big and fast sweep and all the high buildings were gone. All the people in suits were gone, and the only thing to be seen now was mansions. Luxurious cars, parked in nice rows, giant pools and houses you would never imagined actually existed, in all their glory as Thea drove by. The architects truly deserves a lot of credit for these houses... Thea thought inside of her head just as the taxi driver stopped the car and looked back at her. Thea removed the seat belt and paid the taxi driver before she stepped out, holding her backpack straps tightly. Jackson was beyond spoiled Thea once again reminded herself as she looked up and down at the house. The house was formed in the most modern and fascinating way, the grass looked perfectly cut. Everything was perfect! Thea nervously walked forward to the gates and pressed the door bell. Thea noticed many security cameras, the closest one just above her head.

"The Meyers' residency, how may I help you?" a very dark and slow voice asked. It sounded like it belonged to a very old man, too old to be Jackson's dad. It was probably the butler.

"Uh... Hi, my name is Thea Smith and I'm here to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Meyers," Thea tried to say as clearly as she could without stuttering.

"About what matters?" he interrogated.

"Their son," Thea answered and nervously folded the note in her hand in all various ways.

"Who is it, Ben?" Thea heard someone in the background ask, the voice belonged to a woman.

"It's a girl named Thea Smith, and she would like to speak to you and Mr Meyers, about your son, young Mr. Meyers," the butler replied to the woman who apparently was Mrs Meyers, Jackson's mother.

"Let her in then," Thea heard Mrs Meyers order with a chipper voice before a few other sounds were heard and the gates opened up. Thea swallowed a lump in her throat before she took the first step in. She walked to the front door,  and almost instantly noticed all the expensive cars parked outside the garage. There were most likely more in the garage. Thea raised her fist to knock on the door, but before she could do that the door swung open and an old man in a suit with a morning dress suit jacket stood quietly there looking at Thea. The man looked like he was in his late 50's to early 60's and he had weirdly a lot of hair on his head. The wrinkles in his face were many and clear though. His nose was slightly crooked, but it didn't bother Thea. The man actually looked quite humble.

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