57: The Happy Ending

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Thea nervously checked her social media again and saw nothing but Jackson's name and the word 'wedding' everywhere.

"You need to stop checking your phone! Your hair isn't done yet!" Heather ordered and took away Thea's phone.

"Just one more scroll!" Thea begged, but Heather refused to give in.

"No! It's your wedding day!"

"That's the thing! And people are going crazy about it! What if I look like Shrek standing next to him? What if I fall on my face? Will that ruin both of our careers?" Thea asked and sat down, exhausted, on a chair in front of all the makeup she didn't know how to use.

"First of all, he's gonna be the Shrek here. Second of all, if you fall on your face, I'll fall with you. And lastly, it won't ruin your careers! If anything, it'll only boost his. I mean, his parents basically gave you one of their companies as a wedding gift! And I can't even get my parents to buy me a shirt!" Heather said and Thea couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks. For always making me laugh and being here for me," she said and smiled.

"That's my job as your best friend, now get ready. Because you may not look like Shrek right now, but definitely the donkey," Heather said and Thea sighed before she picked up a brush. Heather left the room and Thea was by herself with her thoughts and a warm tingling feeling that went all the way down to her toes.

"Christina, have you seen Heather anywhere?" Thea asked and nervously fumbled with her bouquet of flowers.

"The last time I saw her she was sneaking around doing God knows what," Christina answered and fixed the train of Thea's dress.

"Jack! Have you seen Heather?" Thea asked and Jackson turned his head to answer. Christina quickly stood in front of Thea with her arms and legs in awkward shapes as she tried to cover Thea.

"It's bad luck if the groom sees the bride before the wedding!" she hissed quickly and Jackson turned away with a 'calm down, woman' look on his face.

"She probably was abducted by aliens, I did see a weird thing in the sky," Jackson said and Thea's eyes went up.

"That could be a possibility," she answered and kept gazing at the sky as all the guests made their way into the big church. At the back of the train of people, Hussein and Molly walked with their kids, plural. Jackson let out a 'ah' before he grinned.

"The man is still standing, miraculously breathing," he said as Molly gave Thea a smile, carrying their newborn with Felicia holding onto her dress.

"Don't bring up the past," Hussein quietly and quickly muttered before he followed his wife into the church.

"That's about everyone now, except for Heather," Christina said and the three of them looked around for someone with platinum blonde hair.

"You'd think that as the maid of honor, she'd actually be here," Jackson muttered and checked his watch.

"Are you talking crap about me again, Jackson?" Heather suddenly occurred, flustered but happy.

"Maybe," Jackson said and smiled exaggeratedly.

"The wedding can begin now!" Christina said and quickly walked inside to make sure everything was in perfect order.

"Seems like the aliens decided to return her, what a shame," Jackson whispered into Thea's ear with his eyes looking up at bright blue sky with no clouds to be seen. Thea elbowed him lightly before he walked into the church with a grin. Soon Thea could hear the wedding tune being played and her heart started to beat faster.

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