44: Fine Never Means Fine

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Thea squinted against the bright May sun as she made her way across the green lawn. It was like a scene from a movie, people were sitting under the trees chatting, the sun was bright, the grass green. Everyone was on high spirits, because for some, graduation was just around the corner and for others, a break from stress, pressure, sleepless night and tears was soon to begin. Everyone but Thea. She dreaded the next few days, and made it her top priority to slow down the days as much as possible until the funeral. Her phone ringed and Thea looked at the screen. Christina. It read and Thea declined the call before she slid her phone back into her pocket and continued to walk. Her phone ringed again and she pulled it out, slightly annoyed. Christina. She once again declined and put her phone away again. Moments later, it ringed again and Thea yanked the phone out

"Seriously?!" she screamed out loudly and declined again. But before she had even put it away, it rang again and Thea groaned out loudly. A nearby couple stared weirdly and she gave them a cold stare as she finally answered. 

"What?!" she shouted.

"Gee, did I kill your cat or something?" Heather asked and Thea felt embarrassed and upset with herself.

"I'm sorry, I... What did you want?"

"Christina called and said I need to remind you to pick up a dress for the funeral," Heather said and Thea groaned out loudly again as she gave the couple another icy stare, and they both looked away with an instant.

"Are you sure I didn't kill Amelia?" she asked and Thea pressed her palm against her forehead to not hit something.

"Tell her I'll do it when I want to, and I'm not in the mood right now for shopping," Thea whispered angrily. Now she was mad at Christina, she had decided to take over the planning for the funeral and soon it was time to say goodbye. Thea felt as if Christina was forcing her to move on, but nowadays she was unsure whether to trust her guts or not.

"She has already chosen one for you, you just have to pick it up," Heather said and, thought it would put Thea in a better mood, but it did quite the opposite.

"Why does she have to decide every single thing in my life?" she hissed and hung up. She stomped across campus to her dorm, but as she opened the door to the dorm building her phone beeped.

From: Heather

Update! The dress will be delivered to Jackson's apartment today. Someone needs to be there between four to five.

To: Heather

If she's so intent on me wearing that stupid dress she can greet the postman herself! Why won't she make him/her my uncle/aunt while she's at it?!

From: Heather

I'll forward your message, see you for dinner later. We have things to talk about.

To: Heather

Why can't you just write it on text?

Thea never got an answer and Thea closed the door before she had even placed a foot into the building. She checked the time before she started to jog to the nearest bus stop to go back to the apartment.

Thea arrived just to see the postman raise his hand towards the doorbell.

"No!" she exclaimed loudly and quickly ran forward with her keys in her hand. "Don't ring the doorbell, the cat is asleep," she explained and unlocked the door. She put her backpack down inside and turned back to the postman, who did not seem to care about Amelia.

"Please sign here," he said and held out the electronical pad and the pen that went with it. Thea quickly signed it and accepted the package before she closed the door on his back. She walked into the kitchen and threw it onto the counter without care. She poured herself a glass of water and downed it without a pause. Perfectly timed her phone started to ring and she picked up without looking at the screen this time. 

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