𝟬𝟭𝟮 summer into autumn

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THREE MONTHS HAD gone by since what the rest of Hawkins, Indiana were referring to as the fire at Starcourt Mall. The fire that killed Chief Hopper and Billy Hargrove. To the rest of Hawkins, it was a tragic fire that claimed two lives but to Danny and the rest of the group, it was much more than that and it hadn't left Danny's mind since it had occurred. The image of Billy Hargrove being impaled on all sides of his body was ingrained in Danny's mind. Billy was a douchebag but he didn't deserve the death that he got and Max didn't deserve to lose her brother that way.

No matter what, Danny and Robin were in the group and a part of everything that was going on, and they weren't going to be getting out of it anytime soon. Danny just hoped that the Starcourt Mall was the last and only fight he would have to be in. He couldn't fathom how the rest of the group had done it multiple times before.

Danny also became friends with the group. Never in a million years did he think he would be friends with the outcasts that were Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas but shared trauma will do that to you. Danny didn't mind the group including Max and Eleven. He got along with them well, all except for Lucas who was still acting cold towards him since their kiss at the store. Danny understood why but he still didn't agree with it.

In the past three months, Danny had grown close to all of them. The rest of the summer had passed and summer had drifted into autumn. Hawkins had gone from sweltering hot to nice and cool with the leaves starting to change. School had begun, and the group went into their freshman year. Will and Eleven, however, wouldn't be attending Hawkins High. After everything that had happened after the mall and Hopper sacrificing himself to close the gate, Eleven had been taken in by Joyce Byers. Joyce decided that her kids needed something different after all that had happened in the last few years, so they were moving to California. Danny was disappointed since he had just gotten to know them and now they were moving away but he understood why they were doing it.

The morning of the big move, Danny and the others had gone over to the Byers' house to help them finish packing. They only had a few more things to pack but the group wanted to say goodbye and they wanted to help so everyone headed over. Danny was going between the living room and the moving truck with boxes to put into the truck. As he did so, Lucas and Max were teasing Dustin about the singing that had occurred between him and his girlfriend, Suzie. Danny thought it was hilarious but Dustin didn't seem pleased about it.

Max and Lucas had also gotten back together to the surprise of Danny. He wondered if the sixth time would be the charm. Danny thought Lucas and Max were cute together but he also thought they were better off as friends, but he still hoped they wouldn't break up again, especially after everything that had happened with Max. She needed her friends to help her get through her grief.

Danny came back into the house, grabbing another box as Dustin flipped off Lucas and Max who were continuing to sing. Danny chuckled as he took the box out to the truck. As he got outside, he heard the singing stop. When he put the box in the truck, he heard Lucas call out his name. Danny turned around as Lucas approached him

"Can we talk for a second?" Lucas asked.

Danny nodded, "Sure. What's up?"

"Um... about back at the grocery store... and everything that happened over the summer..." Lucas started. Danny tilted his head, curious as to what Lucas was going to say. "Truth is... I did have feelings for you and I was scared of them, but I don't have them anymore. I'm not... like you." Danny furrowed his brows. He had to trust Lucas's words about his sexuality but he had a feeling that Lucas was suppressing his true feelings. "You are one of the most frustrating and annoying people I have ever met, but I would be okay with us being actual friends who don't argue all the time if you want to, too."

Danny thought about it for a moment. Despite how much they argued, Danny did like Lucas as a person. Danny thought he was funny and smart and overall, very kind despite when he was being an asshole to Danny. As Danny thought about it, he found himself feeling somewhat disappointed but he couldn't figure out why.

"Um, yeah, sure," Danny nodded with a partial smile. "I'm okay with that."

Lucas smiled wide, "Good, great."

Danny smiled back, still feeling disappointed. He walked away, heading back inside the house to grab more boxes. As he did, he walked past Max who was standing in the doorway. Max watched as Lucas looked back at Danny longingly like he wished Danny would turn around and come back. Max furrowed her brows, a look of curiosity on her face, wondering what that meant. She looked at Danny who couldn't hide his disappointment and she furrowed her brows again. She had a feeling something had occurred that she didn't know.

Danny and the others started to grab more boxes and put them in the truck. Everyone was going slow as they didn't want to start saying goodbye. Even Danny, who hadn't known Will and Eleven for as long as everyone else had, was feeling upset about saying goodbye. Despite how slow they went, they eventually finished putting all the boxes in the truck. Slowly but surely, the goodbyes started.

Danny watched from the sidelines as Will started to cry as he hugged Mike and the others. Eleven started to shed tears as well as she hugged all of her friends who had become like family to her. Danny was surprised to see Eleven walk over to him and give him a hug. Danny smiled as he hugged her and he locked eyes with Lucas as he did so. Lucas quickly looked away and hugged Will. Danny still felt that disappointed feeling.

As everyone finished their goodbyes, Will, Eleven, Jonathan, and Joyce all got in their car and the moving truck. Danny stood with the others as the moving truck moved out, heading down the street. He wasn't close with Eleven or Will but he felt a tug in his stomach at watching them go. He also hated seeing his new friends so upset. As the moving truck left, Danny and the others hopped on their bikes, riding away. As Danny did, he locked eyes with Lucas again and both boys smiled at one another before riding off in separate directions.


[ 1.1K WORDS ]

a shorter chapter but act ii is about to begin!!

Maniac, Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now