𝟬𝟬𝟮 super secret spy code

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DANNY FREQUENTLY STOLE ice cream from Scoops Ahoy. When Robin and Steve weren't paying attention, Danny would sneak sample spoons or even whole cups of ice cream. There was even one time, he managed to sneak a whole gallon of ice cream from the freezer. He still had no idea how he managed to pull that off but it was surprisingly easy. He figured that if he was going to be stuck at Scoops Ahoy all day, every day, he should be able to have as much free ice cream as he pleased. He did usually get scolded for it, however.

Danny leaned against the front counter of Scoops Ahoy, a cup of mint chocolate chip ice cream with brownie bites on top in his hands. Danny was chowing down on it with a spoon as Robin came out from the backroom. Robin sighed in annoyance at her younger cousin, "Stop eating the inventory, Danny, or I'm gonna start charging you, I swear to God."

"But I'm your cousin, Robin," Danny argued, his mouth full of ice cream and brownie.

"Fine," Robin shrugged as she pushed him to the side and leaned against the counter. "I'll charge you double."

Danny tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at her before flipping her off. Robin returned the favor, flipping him off as well before the sound of the bell ringing distracted them. Robin turned her head to the customer while Danny looked over his shoulder seeing none other than Dustin Henderson. Dustin was wearing a shirt advertising a camp that Danny assumed he had been going to since he hadn't seen him with the rest of his friends for the last month. He had a big smile on his face as he stared at Robin who stared back with a blank expression.

"Hi," Dustin greeted Robin who greeted him back. "I'm Dustin."

"I'm Robin," Robin smiled politely.

Danny furrowed his brows, a bit offended that Dustin had ignored him, "And I'm Danny but you already knew that, Henderson."

Dustin's eyes flicked over to Danny who was still stuffing his face with expression. Dustin smiled politely at Danny, "Danny! This is your cousin, right?" Dustin pointed to Robin.

"Sadly," Danny nodded. Robin flipped him off and Danny reciprocated.

"Pleasure to meet you, Robin," Dustin looked back at Robin, ignoring the cousins' feud. "Uh... Is -- Is he here?"

Robin raised an eyebrow, "Is who here?"

Suddenly, Steve Harrington burst through the backdoor of Scoops Ahoy, practically slipping on the linoleum as he did so. His eyes were wide and his smile was large, "Henderson."

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