The Hazbin Hotel

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Some time later, a limousine is driving through Pentagram City towards an unknown location.

Inside the limousine is Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust.

Charlie and Vaggie are sitting next to each other at the back of the limousine. Charlie is leaning against the window, looking out the window while visibly upset. Her suit looks slightly torn. Vaggie, on the other hand, looks pissed as she looks at Angel Dust.

Angel Dust is sitting across from Charlie and Vaggie, near the front of the limousine. Angel Dust repeatedly messes with the window dividing the driver and the passengers, a goofy smile on his face.

After making the window go up and down about a dozen times, Angel Dust looks over at the girls, spotting Vaggie's intense glare.

Angel Dust: "What?"

Vaggie: "What? WHAT!?" She pulls out some of her hair. "What were you doing!?"

Angel Dust: "I owed my girl buddy a solid. Isn't that a "redeeming quality"?" He says the last part with air-quotes. "Helping friends with stuff?"

Vaggie: "Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!"

Angel Dust: "Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred." He chuckles. "It wasn't that bad anyway."

Angel Dust goes back to messing with the window, but is stopped when Vaggie throws a knife at the switch, breaking it and almost stabbing Angel Dust's hand.

Angel Dust: "Oh, come on! I had to! My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was trying to go clean?" He readjusts his chest fluff. "It just throws out my entire persona."

Vaggie: "Your credibility!? What about the hotel's!? Your little stunt, made us look like a fucking joke!"

Angel Dust: "No, no, no, babe. Jokes are funny. I made you look.....uh, sad. And pathetic."

Charlie starts to get increasingly miserable as Angel Dust continues to ramble.

Angel Dust: "Like an orphan with no arms. Or legs. Uh.....oh, with Progeria!"

Charlie hides herself in her hair after hearing the last one.

Angel Dust: "Great! Now I'm bummed thinking about it!" He starts looking around the limousine. "This thing have any liquor?"

Vaggie: "Will you please at least try to take this seriously?"

Angel Dust: "Fine. I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist baby."

Vaggie stands up as Angel Dust continues to inspect the compartments of the limousine.

Vaggie: "Was that you trying to be sexist, or racist?"

Angel Dust: "Whichever pisses you off more." He groans. "Is there seriously no liquor in here?"

Vaggie grumbles as she sits back down.

Vaggie: "I'm gonna kill him."

Angel Dust: "Hah! You can sure try! But unless you got one of those angelic weapons the Exterminators use, I seriously doubt you can!" He laughs. "So until then, you're stuck with me, bitch! Get used to it."

Vaggie growls as she grumbles to herself in Spanish, her pupil turning into a skull, with Charlie looking at her with a concerned look.

Angel Dust: "Besides, who cares if some jackoffs got hurt? Most of them are ugly freaks." He looks out the window. "Look around. We got a bunch of fucking harlequin babies down here."

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