Building Rapport

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Ben wakes up in his room at the Hazbin Hotel, both in his casual clothes and not under the covers of the bed.

Ben: "Damn." He groans as he gets up. "I think that's the best sleep I've had in months."

Ben hops out of bed, looking over at the alarm clock next to the bed.

Ben: "8:27 AM......huh. Been a while since I've slept for so long."

Ben leaves the room, making his way down the stairs before eventually reaching the lobby.

Down there Ben can see that everyone is awake and at work. At least, most everyone is at work.

Ben makes his way into the kitchen, pouring cereal and milk into a bowl. The brand of cereal is "Hell-O's".

Ben renters the main area, moving over to a set of couches where Charlie and Vaggie are sitting, going over what appears to be paperwork.

Ben: "Morning."

Charlie: "Oh, good morning! Did you sleep well?"

Ben: "Yeah, I slept good." He sits down in a chair adjacent to the couch. "What's that you two are working on?"

Vaggie: "Just a couple of lesson plans Charlie is trying to put together."

Ben: "Really?" He takes a bite of his cereal. "Like what?"

Vaggie picks up a piece of paper, squinting her eye slightly as she reads.

Vaggie: "Well there's group therapy. That could definitely be something everyone needs, especially if they want rehabilitation."

Ben: "Okay, okay." He says while nodding his head. 'I could use some of that.' "What else is there?"

Vaggie: "There's also scavenger hunt, bingo, cooking classes."

Ben: "So just a lot of activities that they would all do as a group?"

Vaggie: "We, actually. If you're going to stay here, you need to contribute as well."

Ben: "Got it. Also, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your eye?" He points at his left eye, the scarred one. "If you don't mind answering, I'll tell you about mine in return."

Vaggie: "There isn't much to say. It was stabbed out of my skull four years ago, during an extermination."

Ben: "Wait, it was stabbed out? Like, torn out of your face?"

Charlie: "Yes. An Exterminator tore it out and left her to die in the middle of a dirty alleyway." She places her hand comfortingly on Vaggie's. "It was a good thing I was nearby. Hell knows what would've happened."

Vaggie smiles up at Charlie, and Charlie returns the smile.

Ben: "And that led to you two getting together?"

Charlie's face becomes scarlet red, and Vaggie's gets red too, but not as intensely.

Charlie turns her head to face Ben, a nervous smile on her face.

Charlie: "Well, yeah, actually. We started dating about three years ago."

Ben: "That's good. It's nice to see a happy couple in Hell." He nods his head, taking another bite of cereal. "Anyway, I got my scar from some shrapnel after an explosion a few months back."

Charlie: "Oh my gosh! Are you okay!?"

Ben: "Yeah, I'm fine. Just took a few weeks for my eye to heal. I can see out of it just fine. Though...." He rummages through his pocket. "I did have to wear an eyepatch as my eye was recovering."

The Fallen Champion (Ben 10 X Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss)Where stories live. Discover now