𝟮𝟰. 𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲

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CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR ❝ bound to fall in love ❞

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❝ bound to fall in love ❞

People still hadn't left them alone at school. Every five seconds it felt like Valera was being stared at or made fun of for being a Kook princess turned Pogue. And as she sat in history class yet again, she stared out of the window as her mind swirled with impending doom. Rafe would be after them. He could try to kill them and they were just waiting for it to happen.

A knock on the door sounded and a man in a suit looked around the room before spotting Pope. "Mr. Sunn, Can I borrow Mr Heyward for a second?"

The others looked up, watching the man closely and then looking toward Pope. The man smiled politely. "I'm from the Vanderhorst Foundation."

Pope's eyes grew wide and he glanced back at his friends before hearing the teacher dismiss him. Quickly, he grabbed his things and rushed out of the room with the fancy looking man.

Valera looked over her shoulder toward JJ, who shrugged. Everyone thought the Vanderhorst Scholarship was out of the running, now he was just trying for a different one. Why would they be visiting if he wouldn't be getting it?

Only a few moments later did the boy return, looking a little stressed as he showed the letter to the others who recognized the symbol immediately. "Is that the wheat symbol?" Kiara whispered.

"What the fu-" JJ began but the teacher looked over and he quickly censored himself, not needing another detention. "Fu... fudge.."

The bell finally rang after a while and the Pogues were quick to head into the hall and go for the library. They really needed to figure this out now. This was all connected to the gold somehow?

"Is this a game of tag?" JJ asked as he followed quickly, frustrated with the boy's stunned silence.

"I don't know." Valera admitted, following Pope to sit by the computers.

"Seriously, Pope. This is driving me insane." Kiara scolded quietly as they all sat down.

Finally, the boy faced them, sighing out. Whatever was going through his mind was a mixture of excitement and stress. "Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committee. Take a look at this. Read it." he handed the letter to the Maybank boy and helped spread it out.

The boy quickly looked at it before hesitating and pretending to read it. Kiara furrowed her brows in confusion. "Out loud."

"I..." he trailed off, cheeks tinting pink. "I can't read cursive." he admitted awkwardly, handing the note to Valera.

Val offered him a small smile, not minding. A lot of people didn't know how to read cursive. The school system sucked and it wasn't his fault. "Dear Mr. Heyward, I am reaching out because I have material evidence that can exonerate John B. Routledge. It is of vital importance that you come meet with me in person at my offices at 27 King Street, Charleston at 8:00 p.m. sharp tonight. Please come alone. Regards, C. Limbrey.." she read aloud, furrowing her brows.

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