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Nasty weather had continued for the entire week. The days were becoming shorter and colder and wetter.

Presently, it was Friday morning and the Students of Hogwarts sat in the Great Hall for breakfast.

Suddenly, the windows opened and hundreds of owls soared in. They hooted and twittered about, weaving around each other in a frenzy.

Vivian watched as envelopes fell from the owls' legs, dropping to the designated person.

She scanned the ceiling for a familiar owl, hoping desperately.

But, unfortunately for her, there was no owl she recognized.

Magnus did not come, and the black-feathered owl Julie used did not either. (Julie allowed Jane to keep Ragnar at school, so the woman paid to borrow from the London Owlery whenever she needed to.)

Vivian found Jane's eyes from across the massive room. They exchanged disappointed glances.

Vivian then refocused on buttering her bread, scowling as she did so.

Anders still hadn't responded to any of her letters. The girl would've been worried about him if that weren't a common thing he did. However, suppose she was dying and she owled him with great need? Well, she'd be dead and rotting by the time he replied.

Someone tapped Vivian's arm, making her turn.

Gabriel grinned. "Do you know what my favorite candy is?"

The girl shook her head.

Margot scrunched her nose, her red robes bright amongst a table full of blue ones.

"Is it nougat? I hate nougat."

Gabriel laughed. "I know you do."

George's mouth fell agape. "What? How could you hate nougat?"

"Nougat and caramel," Mika declared, "Those two are the best."

Gabriel retrieved a small wrapped candy from his pocket. It was labeled "Glorias."

"This is for you." He said, placing it into Vivian's hand.

"What is it?"

"Dulce de leche de cabra con nuez." He beamed, "Goat's milk candy with pecans."

Vivian smiled softly and thanked him.

"They're my mother's favorite too. She always has a bowl of them this time of year."

"For Halloween?" Margot asked.

Gabriel suddenly seemed excited. "For El Día de Los Muertos, The Day of The Dead."

Vivian and Margot wore confused expressions, to which the other three laughed. Mika and George appeared to know what Gabriel was talking about.

"It's a holiday, Mexican culture." The boy explained, "The gates of Heaven are opened at midnight on October thirty-first. The spirits of children rejoin their families for a whole day. The spirits of adults can do the same on November second."

Vivian, very much interested, asked him to tell her more.

Gabriel obliged.

"The dead return to our world to dance and feast. So, we, the living, must honor them as guests. It's tradition to put out their favorite things on ofrendas. My little sister loved to eat Enmoladas, so my parents make them and leave them for her.

Vivian nodded, chewing her candy. She decided not to ask about his sister.

"Wow, that's amazing."

Gabriel hummed. "While at school I keep a little ofrenda in my dorm. My mother is going to send me the Enmoladas and I'll place it out for Adelina."

That One October {T.M.R}Where stories live. Discover now